Search results

  1. M

    Quality home dip stand

    The concern isn't so much that the dip stand per se breaks, but rather that *I* break as a result of it breaking. And it's probably hard to repair me :P
  2. M

    Quality home dip stand

    I appreciate the kind words :) I'm pretty sure he was just ribbing me, though, which is totally fine. Believe me, I know I'm pretty stupid about certain things. For example, I'm a terrible cook. I don't have much of a jump shot in basketball, though I am quick... But yah, if there were a...
  3. M

    Neutral grip chinups

    One of my favorite variations of chins is with a neutral grip, shoulder width (or even slightly closer) apart. This, along with a dip stand, is something I've been looking for for years. The only thing I could think of offhand is to weld two small metal bars to the chinning bar that's part of...
  4. M

    Quality home dip stand

    Yah, I think I will need some explanation with that, as I'm not sure whether I'd be constructing a dip stand or a rocket ship
  5. M

    Quality home dip stand

    Unfortunately, I have kind of a cheap-o, weider squat rack in which you CAN'T remove the safety catches (the bars which protect you from smushing in squats), and they're too thick for that type of thing. If I could think of something that would somehow fit around them without requiring them to...
  6. M

    Quality home dip stand

    This might actually work, but what exactly are spin locks? Like, if I could easily secure to metal bars in my squat rack, yah, I suppose that'd work just dandy.
  7. M

    Quality home dip stand

    If you'd be willing to type out instructions that'd be cool. Just bear in mind that I'm dumb as a doornail when it comes to home repair/construction stuff. So if this is any more complicated than assembling a bigwheel, I could be in trouble.
  8. M

    Quality home dip stand

    I've considered making my own, but the #### up potential seems pretty high. As I'll be dipping with > 100 lbs around my waist, it also has to not explode randomly, and I'm not sure my crafting abilities are up to task :P
  9. M

    Quality home dip stand

    Just out of curiosity, is anybody aware of a reasonable quality dip stand for purchase that isn't outrageously expensive? This is something I've wanted...for a long time.
  10. M

    Pictures everyone?

    From July, after using my own novel HST routine (lots of negative) in conjunction with a default-y CKD.
  11. M

    Bench set up

    Thank you sir =)
  12. M

    In Response to the HST Creatine FAQ

    Maybe that author needs some reading comprehension himself, as I took all of 5 minutes to read this thread and understood Bryan/Aaron's point without problem. People who give responses like that are usually just looking to pick a fight by attempting to nitpick. All Bryan said, basically, was...
  13. M

    Iron Addict's variation of Westside Training

    Iron Addict's variation of Westside training. Iron Addict is a lifter/trainer on the same board as doggcrapp, and he puts trainees on a modified version of westside that I found kind of interesting. Interesting in that he merges ME and DE work into the same day. I would think keeping things...
  14. M

    KB-141 & T3

    Are you asking for peer reviewed references for T3 in fat loss? That is an interesting question. I'm sure it exists somewhere, that you usually don't run across that sort of thing due to ethical considerations on the part of the researchers (same reason you won't find a whole lot of research...
  15. M

    KB-141 & T3

    Looked into KB-141, and it appears to be a compound synthesized in researched and used in animal models for fat loss (e.g. monkeys or something). Claimed to operate on similar chemical principles to T3, I believe, but not have some of the side effects. This assuming the news stories are legit...
  16. M

    KB-141 & T3

    Haven't heard of the former, though the latter (T3 - thyroxine) is produced by the thyroid gland. I would STRONGLY discourage use of thyroid hormones for fat loss. While it is true that thyroid activity drops off while dieting, taking such things for a prolonged period of time can really '####...
  17. M

    Study replacing daily carb intake w/ sugar

    In the past, a study was mentioned where the researchers, apparently, replaced the normal carbohydrate intake of a group of people with sugar while controlling for calories. The result being that there was no net gain in weight/fat, as the energetics of their caloric intake didn't change. A...
  18. M

    Excess calorie intake and strength training

    Well, there are both functional and structural components to strength. Through a variety of factors, one can increase performance capacity in some feat via increases in efficiency in intra- and inter- muscular coordination, reflex potentiation, and all that other good stuff Siff/Verkoshansky...
  19. M

    Music For Lifting

    None of those were 'nu-metal.' Nu-metal is trash like linkin park and the various crap that appears on MTV.
  20. M

    Music For Lifting

    In no particular order, anything by: Metallica (old) Iron Maiden (old and new) Slipknot Sevendust Deftones