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  1. R

    Size And Conditioning

    I am probably looking at using an exercise bike. It is about my best option to do cardio. I have a desk job too, so this probably does not help me. Is there something wrong with high intensity short duration cardio? I have read stuff where they are finding that this is a good option. Is there...
  2. R

    Size And Conditioning

    Thanks guys! LISS? I have never heard of this. What is it? I hate cardio :) . Is there a standard on what they say is a reasonable amount? Is there a way to implement a stronger cardio component to a weight training session? What is the shortness of breath thing anyway?
  3. R

    Size And Conditioning

    In the past when I have watched the modern day professional Body Builders in interviews, I have noticed that the really big guys just seem to be out of breath. Now I do not take any gear or anything like that, but I am noticing that I am somewhat experiencing the same thing at times. Today I was...
  4. R

    Back to Basics

    BMI - Ha, ha... Yeah, you cannot use this if you are a bodybuilder. I checked it out for kicks once and it had me as obese :) Ultimately it is up to you what you do with training and your body weight, but I just wanted to share that I believe these kind of weight fluctuations are hard on the...
  5. R

    Back to Basics

    This may not be a welcomed comment, but I can kind of see where your Doctor is coming from... The fluctuations in weight are just not good for you. I don't know how you go with being at 258lbs. Biggest I got was 220lbs (I am 5ft-11inches). I was told that I was too big and I started to feel out...
  6. R

    Reasonable To Expect 5lbs Muscle In 20lbs Bulk?

    It is also probably worth adding that our bodies can only add a certain amount of muscle in a year. The amount definitely decreases as we advance in years with training and you increase in lean size. Unless you are on "gear" (and even then there is a wall) no amount of food ingested will change...
  7. R

    Reasonable To Expect 5lbs Muscle In 20lbs Bulk?

    To be honest... I have always really disliked the word "Bulk". For me, it just never was a part of my regimen, ever. I have seen guys go on these diets where they jack the calories way up, add a heap of weight and then drop back the calories in an effort to drop the fat off. I always feel that...
  8. R

    Insulin Sensitivity, Important But Overlooked Usually

    Ha, ha, ha... Those websites and magazines..... In my opinion, gaining 20lbs of solid muscle would take more like 2-3 years to gain in my opinion (depending on good diet, sleep, health, consistency of training and being natural or not).
  9. R

    Insulin Sensitivity, Important But Overlooked Usually

    Ha, ha, yes... Steady wins the race though ;)
  10. R

    Insulin Sensitivity, Important But Overlooked Usually

    Sounds like a plan! I am always happy to share my mistakes :). I have also taken a few tips from O&G over the years and his opinions have been very insightful.
  11. R

    Insulin Sensitivity, Important But Overlooked Usually

    Totentanz - I think it is great that you seem to have hit your second wind with making gains and training. Awesome! Funny how the body goes through stages like that. Feel free to take this for what it is worth, but I was where you are now and ended up crashing and burning from the higher...
  12. R

    Hst And Shoulders

    I tend to have very good chest, shoulder, back development. These have always been my strength (ha, ha), so I have been at the point where I do not really want them to grow any more anyway. Lots of shirts no longer fit and wife says I am too big, yadda, yadda, yadda... It is interesting that...
  13. R

    Where Is Everyone?

    Very true... I am early 40's now and have to constantly remind myself and double check my age (ha, ha). I read up a bit on the guys like Zane and the others and am now looking at changing the way I train slightly to avoid being "busted up" in the years to come...
  14. R

    Back to Basics

    I also wanted to ask how you found being at the weight of 255lbs? The biggest I got was around 220lbs and with daily life, I just felt like it was taxing on my system. I felt like my heart worked a bit harder and I had less energy etc. I dropped back to 205lbs and am now currently at around...
  15. R

    Back to Basics

    Welcome back... Consistently is definitely the key in my opinion. I take my hat off to your poundage's and frequency. I am in my early 40's now and cannot sustain this kind of frequency and heavy weight. I guess it is a sign of getting older? I used to push the really heavy stuff some years...
  16. R

    Trying To Get Back To Weight Lifting After Multiple Injuries

    Yeowch! That would have to feel very frustrating... I have read up on the older guys like Frank Zane and Arnold etc and even though these guys were not natural, I believe that we can still take some of their advice with regards to lifting techniques. I saw Frank Zane recently comment somewhere...
  17. R

    Hst And Shoulders

    I actually think my shoulders have improved a lot with development, so I am happy. The thing with face pulls and lateral raises is that I have no pain from them. A lot of the older guys all seem to have shoulder issues, so I am hoping to dodge that like crazy.
  18. R

    Hst And Shoulders

    An update on shoulders... I still have not gone back to any type of overhead pressing movement. I think my shoulders will no longer roll with this. I have been working on face pulls and lateral raises. I think this is working well for me as I believe I am seeing my shoulders grow. I think it...
  19. R

    Where Is Everyone?

    How about you call your gym " The Golden Era Gym " ? :) Even though Schwarzenegger, Zane and those ole boys were on the juice... They just had it with weightlifting ethic.
  20. R

    Where Is Everyone?

    I am still here too. I don't get on as much as I used to... Life is busy. I am still training consistently and adding muscle - HST style. I will never train any other way. Not sure if I want to get much bigger though (my wife has made it more than clear that I am too big now), so I may end up...