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  1. H

    Hypertrophy and RBE responses

    I just wanted to give some thoughts about why volume doesn't play a big role in hypertrophy. Depends on the load and your level of conditionning. If you consider the "significant weight" to be your 5RM, a 6-8 weeks cycle is long. Depends on how quickly you condition and how quickly...
  2. H

    Hypertrophy and RBE responses

    When I say 10 times more stimulus, I mean 10 times more microtrauma. That's what I mean by stimulus. Another thing I was thinking about is this.. the "perception" that say 1 set is not much. We consciously have the impression that it's not much because we are "aware" of...
  3. H

    Hypertrophy and RBE responses

    Let's say the hypertrophy phenomenon consists of 10 steps in cascade. Since those steps are all biological, none of them are going to be linear. For instance, if there is twice as much microtrauma, how much more microtrauma "notification" is sent to the nucleus? Probably not twice as...
  4. H

    Gain Muscle lose Fat?

    One thing that seems to have helped me recently is to walk one hour in the morning. As soon as I wake up I take 400mg of caffeine - which costs almost nothing -, eat about 120 cal of fat - to have no insulin response - wait 45 min, and walk 1h. This enables me to burn about 400 cal of almost...
  5. H

    O/T Mr. Olympia this weekend

    I heard Coleman has gone down to 285 lbs for this olympia.. Some of the others are not far from that. So who knows..
  6. H

    The principles...

    You simply go to failure on the 6th workout of each microcycle. For instance during a microcycle, you do 1 workout with 75% of the max, 1 with 80%, 1 with 85%, 1 with 90%, 1 with 95%, and the last with 100%. The goal of course is to increase the load all the time. Going to failure is not...
  7. H

    Traps are very sore...

    Say that to Vince.. He'll give you 10 points.. when you have accumulated 500 points, you get a free flight to australia and one week in his gym... :D :D
  8. H

    15 min. cardio session after hst workout ok?

    Use a fat burner if you do that. And either keep intensity low or do HIIT for a short time.
  9. H


    Also, we're dealing here with a negative feedback - the RBE -. Whether you do 1 set or 15 sets doesn't make much difference because you will adapt anyways to the stimulus through the RBE. Doing 15 sets won't change squat, except for the time it will take to get accostumed to it. The only real...
  10. H

    RBE, Slow gains and modifying the program.

    Are you natural? Brak has explained his problem. He gained muscle initially but too much fat. When he tried to lose the fat he lost the muscle with it. So what do you suggest?
  11. H

    Night catabolism

    Are you sure it's enough? Are there studies on that or what?
  12. H

    Night catabolism

    How much of a problem is it? Over one year, how much is lost through night catabolism? Does anyone have studies on that? Thanks. :)
  13. H


    Interesting. The antagonist muscle must have a stabilizing role I suppose. Personaly I have the impression that I'm weaker when I superset.. not sure if it's an impression or what.
  14. H


    If you do another set before you recover your ATP you stay in the anaerobic lactic energy mode. This probably produces more sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Also, the first set is likely to pre-fatigue the type 2b fibers. Which means that you can't recruit them during the following sets. I was on a...
  15. H

    Don't want to start anything

    Vince, If you understand HST and DC you quickly realize that they both work on the same principle, which is to focus on the load and frequency more than on the volume. What does Dante say? He says that he doesn't care how you get stronger as long as you get stronger as fast as possible...
  16. H

    Muscle Hypertrophy

    Ok Vince, HST doesn't work, not enough volume.. What about DoggCrap? You say that people don't grow from doggcrap either?
  17. H

    Fat that are quickly absorbed

    Ok, let's say that the amino acids or at least some of them are not used for energy. What are they going to change during the cardio?
  18. H

    Fat that are quickly absorbed

    What do you think? When you cut you use more protein for energy. Especially if you do a low carb, because carbs increase the absorbsion of proteins.
  19. H

    Fat that are quickly absorbed

    I was talking about taking whey first thing in the morning. Lyle once posted a study on his forum showing that proteins taken alone could be converted to glucose up to 57% if I remember well. I don't remember exactly what the study said. From what I've been able to understand from what Lyle...
  20. H

    Fat that are quickly absorbed

    Probably half of the whey that you take is going to be converted to glucose, before morning cardio at least. Muscles can also use protein directly for energy. And you have more insulin, so.. so so so I don't know lol.. :D