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  1. H

    Fat that are quickly absorbed

    I prefer to have a bit of energy to do my cardio. In my experience, cardio in a fasted state makes me lose muscle. As for the idea that it's just a question of calories, at low bf it might be somewhat different, you have to mobilize the fat. HIIT would be good for that except that you can't do...
  2. H

    Calorie Confusion (need help)

    I read what he says on his forum from time to time, and to tell you the truth sometimes I'm a bit confused. Sometimes he says it's just a question of calories, sometimes he emphasizes that partitionning and fat mobilization is important. My understanding of what he says is that above the...
  3. H

    best mass building for arms

    Mother Theresa.. LOL FYI.. Lots of good information, not much about bodybuilding however.. lol Who gives a $#$!#%$#.. AHAHAH
  4. H

    Fat that are quickly absorbed

    I just got myself the cheapest peanut butter in town.. lol 2g of carbs for 100 calories, including 1g of fiber.. Won't get much insulin from that.. hehe.. :D :D :D
  5. H

    Calorie Confusion (need help)

    I just fell upon those article: It's clear that Lyle thinks that low carbs are the way to go.
  6. H

    Fat that are quickly absorbed

    You're sure it changes something? Those amino acids are going to be used for energy.
  7. H

    Fat that are quickly absorbed

    Ok, but what's the point of taking protein if it is going to be used for energy? Fat or fructose would be cheaper and would produce even less insulin.
  8. H

    Fat that are quickly absorbed

    Ok, thanks for the input. Can anyone confirm that? What do you guys think would be the best before morning cardio? - whey - produces an insulin response, more expensive. - fructose - little insulin response, theoretically reduces gluconeogenesis, cheap - fat - no insulin response, cheap.
  9. H

    No of Sets

    The thing is that in HST we use a LOW volume. Which means that we are in a range where TUT is likely to have the most effect. Doing 25 reps or 50 reps is likely to give pretty much the same result, but in the case of 10 vs 20 reps, there might be a significant difference. At least if you keep...
  10. H

    HST Philosophy

    I always wonder how come that so many people on forums talk about HIT and that I have almost never seen anyone do HIT in all my years of training. There's something wierd here..
  11. H

    Mass and strength loss when cutting

    lol.. what indeed? Cutting without losing muscle is probably the hardest thing in BBing.. My question was not if it is possible to gain strength while cutting, I know it is possible. It is just unlikely. The question was.. realistically, if someone doesn't lose strength, how likely is it that...
  12. H

    Fat that are quickly absorbed

    What kind of fat is absorbed the fastest? What about peanut butter?
  13. H

    Calorie Confusion (need help)

    So bodyfat is even more sensitive to insulin at low bf, hence the need to reduce it. And about insulin, Lyle says: So he doesn't do a low carb just like that.. he does a low carb because it helps to mobilize fat. What? It's someone who is fat by nature.. He says that it's a question of...
  14. H

    Calorie Confusion (need help)

    Yeah but it's clear that IS changes from person to person. From Lyle's book: So it is clear that insulin will create more problem for an endomorph than for a non-endomorph. Then why does the p-ratio get worse when bf goes down? The less fat you have the more your body will try to store...
  15. H

    Mass and strength loss when cutting

    Which is why I was wondering about that. You KNOW if you lose strength or not, but you don't know if the volume you lose is water, muscle or whatever.. See what I mean..
  16. H

    Don't want to start anything

    Vince, everyone on HST is trying to do as much volume as possible without losing strength, so what's your point? We try to do exactly what you say..
  17. H

    Calorie Confusion (need help)

    But isn't it true that people who are more endomorphs have a worse IS? You mean that the fact that the UD2 is a ketogenic diet doesn't change anything? How does the depletion and loading help? And Lyle often points out in his book, and on his forum , that insulin f**** off lipolysis, like he...
  18. H

    Mass and strength loss when cutting

    Well I'm talking in terms of probability here. Ok it's possible to lose muscle and keep the same strength, but it's just that it's rather unlikely.
  19. H

    Mass and strength loss when cutting

    Did you lose muscle?
  20. H

    Mass and strength loss when cutting

    But you're not gaining muscle right?