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  1. C

    Ideas for Cycle #2

    Because I'll make it an 8wk cycle!   Seriously, I'll extend the 5's a bit, because that's where I grew the most in my last cycle. (+6lbs in 5's) Here's my stats from my first cycle: Age: 30 Height: 6'5" Weight:    190        (+12lbs) Waist:      33 3/4    (+1 1/4) Chest:      44 3/4  ...
  2. C

    Ideas for Cycle #2

    I'm doing a 'standard' 8 wk cycle.
  3. C

    Ideas for Cycle #2

    I'm just coming off 8wks of Bent over rows, so T-bar is a change of pace for me.
  4. C

    Ideas for Cycle #2

    I don't think the 3's will be a problem. I never felt "trashed" during the 3's in my first cycle, and I did 20 sets 3x per week. I'll be doing less sets per workout, so it should be a bit quicker and easier. Colby: The "beginners" program rep ranges are closer together...
  5. C

    Ideas for Cycle #2

    I'm in the process of planning my 2nd HST cycle. Here's what I'm looking at: Days: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Saturday Rep Scheme: 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 3, negatives Exercises: Squat/Deadlift(alt) x2 Leg Curl x2 Chinsx2 Incline Bench x1 T-bar row x1 Dips x1 Calf Raise x2 Military x2 Shrugs x1 Abs x1...
  6. C

    HST Variant, opinions please...

    If you are only working a bodypart once per week, are'nt you really excluding one of the most fundamental principles of HST (frequency)? 15, 10, and 5's are just numbers, they do'nt make you BIG. Also, how do you find it difficult to perform full-body workouts? If it is time, then you are doing...
  7. C

    Time to put myself out there...

    Another thing about my first cycle: I know that HST isn't supposed to be strength specific, but I got strong as hell during my cycle (strong for me, at least). I was benching 225lbs and squatting 325lbs for 5 reps at the end of my cycle. I use super-strict form as well. No "chest...
  8. C

    Time to put myself out there...

    That's the plan. I was pleased with my overall development during this cycle. Calf development surprised me the most. My goals for next time are to break the 200lb mark, 15in arms, get "wider" (delts and lats), and continue to add overall mass.
  9. C

    Time to put myself out there...

    Here's my actual before and after stats. Age: 30 Height: 6'5" Weight: 190 (+12lbs) Waist: 33 3/4 (+1 1/4) Chest: 44 3/4 (+2 1/2 in) Shoulders: 47 3/4 (+1 3/4in) R. Bi: 14 7/8 (+5/8in) L. Bi: 14 1/2 (+1/2in) L. Thigh: 22 3/4 (+1 1/4in) R. Thigh: 22 3/4 (+1 1/4in) R...
  10. C

    Time to put myself out there...

    Here's a pic right after my first cycle. I gained 12 lbs (the rest of my stats are in the "Results" thread. Compare it to the first pic in this thread. Tell me what ya'll think!
  11. C

    your results with HST...

    Just finished my 1st HST cycle. Very pleased with the results. In order to keep this thread limited to numbers, I'll post some thoughts and before and after pics in another thread. Age: 30 Height: 6'5" Weight:    190        (+12lbs) Waist:      33 3/4    (+1 1/4) Chest:      44 3/4    (+2...
  12. C

    Are leg exercises necessary?

    There are a few guys at my gym who just look ridiculous. I mean, it looks absolutely embarrassing in my opinion to have a monstrous upper body with legs that have never been trained.
  13. C

    Are leg exercises necessary?

    If you do not train legs, HST will be mad at you.
  14. C

    time problem

    Try dropping iso exercises for the post 5's. Also, you can rest-pause your 3 sets with only 10-15 seconds of rest in between. How many exercises are you doing? You may need to drop some.
  15. C

    Leg Extension

    If you have patellar pain, floating material in the knee, or any problems with the articular cartilage, you should avoid full extension of the knee on leg extensions. The range of motion I use for rehab on knee patients is to start at 90 degrees and end at 15 degrees. The last 15 degrees just...
  16. C

    Quad strength relative to hamstring strength

    If your quads are really weaker than your hams, than you are one of very few. Quads are naturally stronger than hams, about 20% stronger.
  17. C

    How to extend the 5s?

    I'm in the post-fives (first HST cycle) and I am sticking with my established max. I'm using rest/pause, though. I do my five reps, rest 10-15 seconds, then pump out 3 more reps, rest, then pump out a few more. I like it so far.