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  1. C

    How do you know when your making gains?

    You'll make plenty of strength gains, I promise.
  2. C

    How do you know when your making gains?

    Because the numbers on the scale and the tape measure increase. That's the point of HST, not necessarily strength gains, although those will happen as well.
  3. C

    Is there any truth to this?

    Well written post, jvroig.
  4. C

    your results with HST...

    Very nice results. Congrats!
  5. C

    Back to the basic

    Is 3x per week AM/PM split less taxing than a 6 day per week schedule?
  6. C

    introducing myself

    Welcome to HST. I am currently doing my first HST-style program as well. My advice is like everyone else's: make sure your diet is right and stick with the program. Personally, HST has reinvigorated my training. I still have 2 wks left and I have ALREADY exceeded my expectations! I ca'nt wait to...
  7. C

    The Golden Era of Bodybuilding

    Ahhhh...*thumps heel of hand of forehead*
  8. C

    Does Anyone Here Compete in BB?

    I'm not sure if the stage will ever be more than a once-in-a-lifetime event for me. I won't know until I try.
  9. C

    The Golden Era of Bodybuilding

    That's odd. This post is also in the General Training forum. I did'nt post twice. That ever happen here before?
  10. C

    Resistance Training & Pulse Rate

    Weightlifting illicits less of an aerobic response. Therefore, one won't gain the aerobic adaptations such as a low pulse and respiratory rate. This comes, in part, from left ventricular hypertrophy. Simply put, the heart becomes more efficient at delivering oxygen to the body.
  11. C

    Resistance Training & Pulse Rate

    70bpm is an excellent pulse rate. Is that what it is 1st thing in the morning? If you want to lower it, do tons of long distance running. When I was really into running, my pulse was like 45 bpm's, and that was in the middle of the day! Now it's in the 60-70 during the day.
  12. C

    The Golden Era of Bodybuilding

    I have, for many years now, had a real interest in the Golden Era of BB. I enjoy the history of Muscle Beach and Gold's Gym in the 1960's and 70's. The movie Pumping Iron motivates the hell out of me still. I watch it at least once a year. Anyhoo, bearing this in mind, I ran across a great book...
  13. C

    The Golden Era of Bodybuilding

    I have, for many years now, had a real interest in the Golden Era of BB. I enjoy the history of Muscle Beach and Gold's Gym in the 1960's and 70's. The movie Pumping Iron motivates the hell out of me still. I watch it at least once a year. Anyhoo, bearing this in mind, I ran across a great book...
  14. C

    Does Anyone Here Compete in BB?

    Surely out of all the ironheads on this forum, there is at least one person who competes in BB shows. I'd like to hear your stories and opinions on competing. Powerlifters feel free to post as well, though HST probably does not attract many PL'rs. Mainly I just want to know the accomplishments...
  15. C


    I totally made that website up. I had no idea it was real. Just trying to be funny. As to your question, the lower my BF is, the more vascular I appear. Also, low sodium diet helps as well.
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  17. C

    Time to put myself out there...

    Just finished 3rd workout of the 5's. I'm pretty excited because I had a personal best squat: 305lbs x5. I'm pretty geeked about that. Thanks HST! (cheesy thumbs up with "ding" sound)
  18. C

    Time to put myself out there...

    I've never trained abs very much until  recently. I am going to HST my abs with alot of weight to try and get them to "pop." I will post some more pics at the end of my cycle, which is in 3wks. I'll make sure and throw some leg shots in there as well. Thanks for your honesty and replies!
  19. C

    Calves, Abs, And HST

    Rakki: I train 3 days per week. I train calves 2x per day. Next cycle I'm going to train everything 2x per day, though.
  20. C

    Calves, Abs, And HST

    I have high insertion for my gastroc/soleus, so I know the pain of trying to get my calves to look BIG. I will say that HST has given me more fullness in my calves than ever before. I have gained 1/4 inch in my calves in about 4 wks. That's pretty good improvement. Usually do 4 sets for calves...