Does Anyone Here Compete in BB?


New Member
Surely out of all the ironheads on this forum, there is at least one person who competes in BB shows. I'd like to hear your stories and opinions on competing. Powerlifters feel free to post as well, though HST probably does not attract many PL'rs. Mainly I just want to know the accomplishments of this community.

BTW, I decided today that I am going to compete in a state show next June. I don't care if it's an open class, I just want to do it for myself.
I used to compete years ago. Never really got the bug for the stage show though. ;)

I know there are others here who compete. Biz, and Blade do.
I did a show. I would do it once just to do it, but don't get caught up in the B.S. It costs money to compete, and the only people who win in the end are the promoters. Be in your best shape, get a good tan, and practice your posing!
