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  1. C

    Duration of workouts?

    I'm in my 5's as well. My workout is similar to yours and I have to bust my a$$ to get out in an hour. It's the extra time to warm up that is getting me, too.
  2. C

    HST Trainers

    I think it would be useful for properly learning advanced techniques it increase metabolic stress, such as pulses. Those are sometimes hard to decipher in written form.
  3. C

    Time to put myself out there...

    You are right, gripstrength. It hit me just yesterday that I was mistaken about Arnold's favorite. I meant to come and edit my post, but never did. I should know better, I've read his autobiography many times. Good pickup!
  4. C

    day 1

    The 15's were WAY tougher than I thought they would be. Thankfully, I made it through. I start 5's tomorrow.
  5. C

    No of Sets

    There is no way to quantify which scheme is "best." I'm sorry to say, but it it depends on your ability to recover. You can find out what is best for you through trial-and-error and meticulous record-keeping.
  6. C

    Don't want to start anything

    Line of the Day.
  7. C

    Time to put myself out there...

    I'd be ecstatic to achieve 225 @ 10%. I think I can do it, but it'll take a couple years. My goal is to get to 200 by the New Year (that's 15lbs).
  8. C

    Time to put myself out there...

    Steve Reeves=the $h!t In case you didn't know, Steve Reeves was Schwartzenegger's idol as a kid.
  9. C

    Time to put myself out there...

    I prefer Gargantuan proportions.
  10. C


    I ask you to please reconsider. This forum will have a HUGE hole in it if you depart. In the month I've been a part of this community, it's people like you, dkm, and others that have helped me get started in HST. I check these boards everyday as a source of info and motivation. I'm not asking...
  11. C

    how big is everyone?

    You can bet on it!
  12. C

    Squats Are Bad?

    In general, chiropractors say whatever it takes to keep the patient dependant on them.
  13. C

    HST Log

    Only a bodybuilder would say that. I guess that makes us what we are.
  14. C

    new to HST: how's my program

    I would have to agree with the others. As a beginner, I'd stick to the basics for at least one cycle until you get the feel for it. Good luck.
  15. C

    Time to put myself out there...

    Thanks for your reply O&G. I'll update my progress as I go along and post my final before and after measurements (with pics) at the end of my cycle. I am pounding the food every 2-3 hrs and doing the work I need to do in the gym in order to reach my goals.
  16. C

    Need some Advice

    I've adjusted some of my weights during a cycle. Several lifts have felt too light to me so I simply wrote in a few new weights for those lifts. It has worked fine for me and seems to be in keeping with the "rules" of HST. I haven't hit my 5s yet, but I wouldn't think that even the...
  17. C

    Squats are Evil

    I'd rather do 3 sets of squats than 1 of leg extensions! I HATE extensions! I'll tell you why I actually enjoy doing squats: it is what separates you from all of the frat boys and bench press/curl queens out there. By seriously training legs, I'd say you beat 90% of all so called bodybuilders.
  18. C

    Straight Bar or E-Z Curl?

    I can tell you that the primary function of the biceps brachii is NOT to supinate. It is a prime mover in elbow flexion. It assists in supination. In fact, there is a muscle deep in your forearm called the supinator muscle. THAT is the prime mover for supination.
  19. C

    Just saying hi

    Healthy skepticism is good. I just finished the 3rd week of my first cycle and have already shown new growth. Good luck to you!
  20. C

    Time to put myself out there...

    Totentanz: I agree about the abs, they should be showing more at my bf (which is about 9.5% at the moment). I've recently stepped up my ab training to address this issue. About the caseless comp: I have a couple of comps I'm always tinkering with. Besides, its like 105 degrees here with really...