I am a beginner. I've done my fair share of research on all types of training, but i have 0 years of experience under my belt. Here's the program that i will be starting in 2 weeks. (SD, after finding my maxes) Be honest, I'd appreciate any input.
15s- 1 set, 3x/wk=45reps. 10s- 2 sets, 3x/wk=60reps.
5s- 3sets, 3x/wk=45reps.
*3s(more for strength, instead of doing negatives IMHO) 5sets, 3x/wk=45reps.
Exercises: (each group is to be done in superset fashion: BB Row, rest, BB Bench, rest, then repeat) Squat/Romanian DL; BB Row/BB Bench;
Military Press/Donkey Raises; High Row Machine/Skull Crushers.
Weekly Frequency per body part(total reps): (my back is lagging behind my chest so i gave it 2 exercises- notice how i split the work up for back.)
15s 10s(2sets) 5s(3sets) 3s(5sets)
Back(2 exercises): 90 60(1set/per 45(2;1) 45(3;2)
aka (1;1)
Quads: 45 60 45 45
Hamstrings: 45 60 45 45
Calf: 45 60 45 45
Chest: 45 60 45 45
Shoulders: 45 60 45 45
*Triceps(also 45 30(1set) 30(2sets) 27(3sets)
*Since tri's are a relatively small muscle, i thought that using the same volume as the bigger muscles would be overkill.
*I also thought that instead of negatives, the 3s would provide for some good strength increases, but i also made sure to keep the total weekly volume constant(in terms of reps per week) to maintain quality size gains. Am i putting too much thought and personalization into it(notice how im not changing any principles) or am i on the right track? From what I've been reading HST IS THE $HIT.
Holla back!
15s- 1 set, 3x/wk=45reps. 10s- 2 sets, 3x/wk=60reps.
5s- 3sets, 3x/wk=45reps.
*3s(more for strength, instead of doing negatives IMHO) 5sets, 3x/wk=45reps.
Exercises: (each group is to be done in superset fashion: BB Row, rest, BB Bench, rest, then repeat) Squat/Romanian DL; BB Row/BB Bench;
Military Press/Donkey Raises; High Row Machine/Skull Crushers.
Weekly Frequency per body part(total reps): (my back is lagging behind my chest so i gave it 2 exercises- notice how i split the work up for back.)
15s 10s(2sets) 5s(3sets) 3s(5sets)
Back(2 exercises): 90 60(1set/per 45(2;1) 45(3;2)
aka (1;1)
Quads: 45 60 45 45
Hamstrings: 45 60 45 45
Calf: 45 60 45 45
Chest: 45 60 45 45
Shoulders: 45 60 45 45
*Triceps(also 45 30(1set) 30(2sets) 27(3sets)
*Since tri's are a relatively small muscle, i thought that using the same volume as the bigger muscles would be overkill.
*I also thought that instead of negatives, the 3s would provide for some good strength increases, but i also made sure to keep the total weekly volume constant(in terms of reps per week) to maintain quality size gains. Am i putting too much thought and personalization into it(notice how im not changing any principles) or am i on the right track? From what I've been reading HST IS THE $HIT.