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  1. S

    using HST to cut(drop bodyfat%)??

    keep up doing hst when reaching the cutting stage still a good idea?? are there any changes to apply to make it work? or is it all about modifying my diet plan? thx!
  2. S

    do u full squat or not?

    hehe thx, didnt realize! can delete this one!
  3. S

    do u full squat or not?

    When doing your squat, do you always do the full form of it? (having ur @$$ touching ur ankles or so :P) or stopping like half way down?? is there such a big difference between those? thx!! S_F_H
  4. S

    zig-zagging probs

    alright... Me again! :P since I can lift my 15s max for lets say incline curl for bi... its 15... then that would mean 5,5,10,10,15,15.. and probably i'd doing 10,10,10,10,15,15 since 5 is really too low... but then the prob is that my max 10s is 20.. so doing 10,10,15,15,20,20 could it be too...
  5. S

    tricep/bicep exercise selection

    yep! now it cleared it! :)!! i saw the dips mostly as a tri movement, thats why it probably confused me.. same for the chin up which i probably confused with the pull ups.... cuz right now my chest exercises are flat bb bench press and incline DB press and my back exercises are lat pulldown and...
  6. S

    tricep/bicep exercise selection

    so main idea is to keep the one arm curl and the skull-crusher?? and maybe switch to chins and dips on another cycle? also, i dont have a weight belt, so doing dips/chins is getting too light sometimes to do the 5s... would that mean that i should change the exercise or simply do them slower to...
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    tricep/bicep exercise selection

    cool! thx for advices! but u're talking about isolation exercise right now... Which compound exercise could i use then for Bi/Tri? (if theres one)
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    tricep/bicep exercise selection

    cool! thx for advices! but u're talking about isolation exercise right now... Which compound exercise could i use then for Bi/Tri? (if theres one)
  9. S

    clear up my mind of HST

    thx everybody for ur answers!!
  10. S

    tricep/bicep exercise selection

    I saw on the main page that they were suggesting either lying tricep ext. or tricep push down... which one would be prefered over the other and why?? also, on the tricep push down, be better to use which kind of handle? the ropes? the straight bar? the triangle-shaped bar? and about the...
  11. S

    tricep/bicep exercise selection

    I saw on the main page that they were suggesting either lying tricep ext. or tricep push down... which one would be prefered over the other and why?? also, on the tricep push down, be better to use which kind of handle? the ropes? the straight bar? the triangle-shaped bar? and about the...
  12. S

    clear up my mind of HST

    right now most of my exercises for the 15s are set up that way.... example workout 1-2 15 workout 3-4 20 workout 5-6 25 could this way be any good?? since my increment are so small for most of my exercises, I cant manage to increase properly... im having the same prob with shoulders since my...
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    clear up my mind of HST

    would it be still effective to do 10-10-15-15-20-20 ?? like doing the 10 slow-mo
  14. S

    clear up my mind of HST

    alright! thx a lot for those answers... but also, just wanna know something else... if 20pds is my max for 15 reps, for one arm bi curl exercise.. then 5% of 20pds is like 1pound, which would mean i would have to use 15pds (that works) the 1st workout, 16pds (gym doesnt have 16!) then 17 18...
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    clear up my mind of HST

    Alright.. I read some kind of alot of HST but it seems that i havent read the proper ones... just to make sure I understood everything right, here are my thoughts on it... I decided to start a HST cycle, my first one... -First of all, i thoughts the 15s had to be done with one set and the 10s...