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  1. M

    Has my 1st week been a waste??

    That's pretty much exactly what I just started - basically taken from the base workout plan on the main site. I see no problems with it. However, if you're really starting to hurt during each week 2, then you maybe only need to do 1 set (2 sets of incline bench at your 15 rep max are gonna be...
  2. M

    how to keep workout time down

    Both replies are very good. I also 1. Do a few supersets between different exercises, like tris and bis and sometimes bench and squat (I don't do an entire superset workout, that would drain me and my ending lifts would be pathetic); and 2. Find a gym that doesn't get too crowded or go when...
  3. M

    I’m gaining muscle but losing weight!

    Badbart... that's not really anything to complain about! Slowly increase your calories. If you're losing weight, then you're expending more energy than you're taking in. Have an extra shake and more chicken or something.
  4. M

    I'm back from the dead/injury

    Day 1 of 15s... my upper body is fine since I've been working that with high speed high rep body weight, but my legs are PATHETIC. It's going to be tough, but I'm so glad to have deadlifts back. On another note, my forearms are really pathetic too. I need to research the best way to get them...
  5. M

    I'm back from the dead/injury

    Hi everyone! In late November, I was swimming and begun having some monstrous pain in my knee. I started taking good care of it, stopped lifting, and it slowly went away. It was a ugly case of Knee Plica Syndrome that was ended ironically by kicking it out in the pool. I've done 5 full HST...
  6. M

    Where'd you get your username?

    I'm Mike Roberto, hence MicroBerto. My buddies call me Berto. Berto was already taken when I made my AIM screenname in 97, so I came up with MicroBerto. Most creative thing i've ever come up with... i'm not very creative! Berto is popular due to many Roberto's out there (its a popular first...
  7. M

    Swimming + HST

    Hahaha thanks. A bit offtopic now, but I have some pictures from last night to throw in, and then tonight is new years, so that will be a big party as well. I know that going out a lot hurts my overall health and is not good for hypertrophy... but hey, I'm only gonna be in my early 20's once!
  8. M

    Swimming + HST

    No problem, I'll keep you posted on my progress this cycle with it too (starting Jan 5 for me) -- Just got a new digital camera, so maybe I'll post some after pictures too. Nikon Coolpix 2100, working great so far. I put a bunch of pictures at and will keep adding...
  9. M

    After Christmas weight gain competition

    Gained about 11 pounds in december. I lost weight during cycle #4, so I decided that it was time to issue my body a wake up call, even though a lot of it went to fat. The experiment proved useful - muscle gain was SO much more simple during december.. meaning that all this time I've been...
  10. M

    Swimming + HST

    Bodyguard also sent this as a private message, so I'll paste my response here: Hi Ron! Well, I'm no swimming instructor, nor am I a trainer. My recommendation is to get a bit of swimming training if you are seriously interested. I don't know of any good videos or books, but I'm sure there's...
  11. M

    Swimming + HST

    Personally, HST + Swimming is the greatest workout combination I've ever experienced, and I swear by it completely. - Watch out for overtraining. 2x a week should be fine. - Watch your stroke technique. You can really destroy your shoulders swimming, and the shoulders are crucial for so many...
  12. M

    what gym do you belong to?

    What's also funny about my lifting situation is that at Jesse Owens North, none of us are all that big. We don't have many huge guys that you guys are used to, so it's pretty funny that I'm one of the stronger guys in there. Down at Jesse Owens South and Larkins Hall, bigger guys work out...
  13. M

    what gym do you belong to?

    During the school year, I've been working out at Ohio State's Jesse Owens North facility. It used to be 4 basketball courts, but they converted one of them to weights 2 years ago, so it's pretty new! But when school's out (like it is right now during the summer), I have to go to another...
  14. M

    Thanks HSN!

    So there was an order mixup on my creatine order (i'm guessing paypal didn't forward HSN anything.. they're trying to figure it out), and I contacted the orders e-mail. Bryan responded and apologized, and sent me a free 300g until the order got figured out! Class act job, I'm very happy, and...
  15. M

    More Primer/Driver woes?

    this is sad to hear, perhaps I should have ordered some more creatine to help out, or a pot of protein. anyway, bryan, if you have tons of crappy product that is going to waste, i'd be willing to take it off your hands at a cheaper price. And i do understand its not up to your standards, but...
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    Running low on my batch of creatine, so I ordered some HSN creatine! woohoo, thanks bryan! -berto
  17. M

    Casein protein supplement brands

    Isn't HSN's driver shakes (on backorder as of posting, though) casein-based?! Let's give em some shameless promotion :) -berto
  18. M

    Arnold Expo in Columbus

    So this past weekend, my roommate (who's finishing up his first hst cycle like me too) and I went to the Arnold Expo here in Columbus, OH. It was awesome! Arnold and his bodyguards walked 2 feet from us, after we realized what was going on and lifted our jaws off of the ground, he was already...
  19. M

    Eating more..

    Haha, thanks for the reply BIZ! I'm just gonna keep eating more because it's fun (eating AND pooping), plus potty breaks at work are nice too! Maybe some extra nutrients I sneak in there will help me somewhere else. Happy pooping, berto
  20. M

    Eating more..

    Hey y'all! Here's a fun one to discuss, After realizing that I was LOSING a bit of weight on 15s, I decided to up my calories even more. I hover around 3000 a day, sometimes more now. (6'0, 192lbs last night.. probably 12% bf) However, to put it bluntly, now I'm pooping more. :-) Everything...