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  1. M

    Where to get Cod Liver Oil

    Oh well, I already ordered some caps, but the ones that claim to be more pure (hah i bet i just got ripped! fun stuff!)... I now have a month to find out if there's any good oil in the US that I can add to my shake without making me vomit. I think the other similar thread has a good...
  2. M

    Where to get Cod Liver Oil

    Arcturus, Which caps do you purchase, and how much do you take per day? The ZonePerfect ones sound good because of little or no PCBs, but they want you to take 4-6 per day, which is a bottle a month. I think I'll try it for a month on 4 per day, but what do you do? Thanks, berto
  3. M

    Where to get Cod Liver Oil

    5--> Hey, thanks! Good thing my credit card expiration date changed and it got declined... I'll buy the caps or the other stuff if I can get it in the US! <edit> actually it looks like i'll play it safe and go with caps until i hear of something better tasting in the US, or am annoyed...
  4. M

    HST merch

    I'll get a shirt if the system works for me (judging into my 4th workout... i'm gonna say that this is gonna REALLY work for me!) I would never wanna be some chump who looks small and has never grown advertising a product. Like this guy in our weight room who wears this "Nitro-#### -...
  5. M

    Where to get Cod Liver Oil

    Hey y'all -- I've decided to begin supplementing with Cod Liver oil, but was wondering where the best place to get it is. Jules recommended a pill supplement, but I don't think I want to take a pill 3 times a day when I can just toss some liquid into a shake. Here's the best thing i've found...
  6. M


    From what I know and from what I've read from's creatine guide, creatine vs. caffeine produces no ill effects, and the creatine is still used. Only one study's ever shown that caffeine negates creatine, and no other studies back it up. However, caffeine itself is a...
  7. M


    Wow, thanks Calkid. I didn't read that study, but have read other publications. I'm half-assing it! Besides, anything my body doesn't need will get converted to creatinine and be gotten rid of anyway. Any good time during the off-day to take it? I am guessing it doesn't matter much, i'll do...
  8. M


    Hmm, looks like I'm going to try 1/2 before and 1/2 after, as opposed to all after. However, my question is this: Do you take it on days off? I read in the Creatine Guide that you do not, and I was fine with that during 4 workouts per week. Now I'm switching to HST -- 3 days a week! That's...
  9. M

    Where are you from?

    The Ohio State University here! Go Buckeyes! Goin to the Fiesta Bowl baby! I work out at the Jesse Owens North complex. The weight room is one year old and it's good to be a regular there.