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    you are talking about things that many of us already use in our hst workouts tension re-tension etc,but if ive learnt anything from my years of training is that i never got anything from going to failure except i walked around feeling like my knuckles were dragging on the floor,although maybe if...
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    Shoulder/Chest targeting

    i spent quite a while benching painfully and then it just went away. i like to do my bench strict ie: legs on the bench back flat,but if im finding it a little painful i have my legs on the bench as i said and then i raise my head 45 degrees(roughly)which i find tenses my whole upper torso and...
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    How much aerobic work is too much?

    by "work" do you mean cardio or training?if its the former yes anything over about 20 mins and you are in the fat burning zone id set the max at 45 minutes to once again minimize muscle losses.
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    Need to adjust my HST cycle

    i only superset with the isos ie: bis/tris and take at least a minute between compounds i can lift more weight and concentrate harder on the lift.i take 1 1/2 hours to complete my cycle with a friend.
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    DOMS and HST

    i tend to do two sets through my whole cycle and only feel sore on the first couple after sd which is to be expected,i dont think its necessary to do more than one effective set unless you either dont feel you worked out enough or you are perhaps a more advanced trainer(used to high volume).but...
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    How much aerobic work is too much?

    looks fine to me but i would just stick to once a day for cardio to try and minimize losses(muscle).good luck ;)
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    i hope you were using that as an example and not a fact,if you think that you can burn fat site specific then you really dont know what you are talking about and would make a bad personal trainer in my view,test does not directly attack your fat it can however increase your body temp/metobalism...
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    nice one aaron_f,he used a bad example from the start and obviously didnt fully grasp the principles of hst and for a 52yo shows very little knowledge about different training techniques ,hes more than likley stuck in his old cannot use steroid users as proper examples as they use so...
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    How much "overlap" between weights is generally ok

    good point its something i have done myself in my first cycle,but now feel progressive load does create "a better environment"for hypertrophy so i now make sure i up the weight constantly through the cycle,didnt zigzag in this cycle just went heavier and heavier,i made more size gains...
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    if you have to do cardio after a weight session,i would take a small power bar or something to avoid the aerial carrot display.i like to do my cv on off days when im carbed up. ;)
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    nutting out frequency

    yes very interesting i train with my brother-in-law he eats hardly any protein(perhaps one meat portion per day),mainly carbs and fats,and hes packing on the muscle(naturally),i know theres genetics but if theres little protein available how does he grow so well,i tell you what it stinks i eat...
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    i love hst but!!!!!!!!!!!&

    mmm...dont think you can you are doing a full hst cycle in your first week lol :D ,why cant you do the diet and do the hst routine cos i dont think the rep scheme you are talking about will help lose weight,hope that helps good luck.
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    The Look

    what about this look,anybody?
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    The Look

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    Am I really to start with such light weights?

    i personally,when in the fives would never start from below my maxs with 10s,to me you are either doing progressive load or you are not,i now just keep adding a little weight to the bar no matter how small it is(usually 5kgs min),more weight is more weight right? i know bigger increments(which i...
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    The Look

    Id like to look like "A" 6ft jean van damme.
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    can i do this

    you could do that but you wouldnt be hitting the same body part 3x a need to try and hit the same bodypart again around 48hrs roughly to keep growth rate in the zone. hope that helps.
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    When can I expect results?

    i agree stick with it the gains will come you are probably only just getting into a growing stage and unless you are on AAS you wont see superfast gains.
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    Cardio with HST

    ive had some personal experience with this as i like to run,i had to drop the running to twice a week(3-4miles) so as not to overtrain,but i would definitley not run after a good work out you run the risk of exhausting glycogen stores(among others)and your body may begin to break down...