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  1. L

    Load Difference b/w Similar Exercises

    strangely enough i squat the same weight as i bench,i would have to go with Totentanz on the dips vs bench,and i believe you are correct in guessing squats are roughly half leg press.
  2. L

    Attention Leg Experts

    depending on the machine you shouldnt have any problems doing 1000lbs on the leg press,although it sounds like you may need some more weights,you say you cant do squats,how does this affect other excersises involving the lower back,it is a pity if you cant use them cos its a real mass builder as...
  3. L

    More sets?

    my cycle is very similar to yours harleymon except i do two sets for f/bench s/press and rows, i think it is enough for a natural lifter,i stopped using creatine resulting in slightly less strength/stamina and the loss of 5/6 pounds,
  4. L

    high reps vs. low reps in arms?

    i came on this site a while ago looking for something new as i was getting disillusioned with my normal training routine,i started the hst program some what incorrectly at first, im now on my second official cycle and i can say with out a doubt it works,i train with a freind who was training in...
  5. L

    high reps vs. low reps in arms?

    i personally dont enjoy lifting weights below the 8-10 rep range for iso's,not much of a pump or stretch plus i stay more vascular in the higher rep range through out the whole cycle which is what jwbond was talking about.
  6. L

    Not reaching your reps

    wow if hes doing too much i must be over doing it also, i do: 2xdecline db 2xflat bb/db 2xmilitary press 2xshrugs 1xrear delts 1xdeads 2xsquats 2xrows 2xcalves 2xbis 3x sometimes 2xtris 3x sometimes 2xabs its a hard workout but i feel ok afterward and have made some good gains,it take me an hour...
  7. L

    3 days to 6 days?

    mmm....interesting,i think i would find it difficult in the calorie intake department my jobs really heavy i only just manage to get enough food down as it is,but if the benefits were great i would give it a go. thanks guys.
  8. L

    3 days to 6 days?

    im just wondering if any of you who have been using hst for a while have switched from 3days to 6days aweek and if so have you noticed much difference in gains/strength it would be interesting to find out.
  9. L

    Have I missed anything?

    i stand corrected on the rbe issue but using different excersises recruits a different number of muscle fibres if applied correctly so in that case it does affect hypertrophy.
  10. L

    Progression Confusion

    good advice, first of all personally i like to stick close to my rms so i have to use small increments otherwise id have to start my cycle with a weight i use to warm up with.another thing is using all the same excersises in every cycle has its disadvantages also such as increased rbe...
  11. L

    Another Dead WWE Wrestler

    edited due to alcohol abuse.
  12. L

    Have I missed anything?

    i agree alternating the weights,it slows adaptation,rbes etc your body knows exactly whats coming if you stick to the same routine although it does have some advantages when incrementing i change my excersises every week rather than every day,i find it handy to hit the muscle the same way but...
  13. L

    Another Dead WWE Wrestler

    good post! nuff said i think.
  14. L

    my next hst cycle

    i like your idea,i like to increment very close to my maxs i find this works for me instead of doing say mon-bench 180lb wed-bench 190lb fri-bench   200lb and so on till i reach my 230lb rm at the end of the second week, i do 210-220-230 staying close to my rms the first week,then the second...
  15. L

    Another Dead WWE Wrestler

    i admit its not fair to diss a man when hes just died but it just annoys that you have to be taking drugs to get to the top of most active sports these days(in most cases not all!),although i would say that in this case the steroids werent the cause of death but were a contributing factor.
  16. L

    Another Dead WWE Wrestler

    no offense to anyone on here but most guys who take gear(lots!) end up with some sort of heart related problems to deny this is futile,it all catchs us up in the end.
  17. L

    Can training with limited range of motion build

    i would suggest lowering the weight and strengthening your tendons unless ofcourse you have a medical condition(as to why your tendons cant take it),i had a friend who only used short range of motion didnt do him any good although he could bicep curl twice as much as me(i call it cheating) i...
  18. L

    Cardio during Cut Cycle

    im trying to pack on muscle at the moment so ill run 1-2 times a week if at all,then 3-times when i want to cut,on my off days,the weight falls off nicely and as long as i keep my food intake fairly high i dont lose much muscle.