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  1. J

    Gaining Lots of Mass in Days w/o AAS

    ive never seen this board so unresponsive... dan? viscious? brian? anyone...?
  2. J

    Gaining Lots of Mass in Days w/o AAS

    almost 50 people have read this and not one response? any vets want to chime in? i was also thinking... drop sets are often added to the end of a cycle. why not add them throughout the cycle to build up lactic acid and increase glycogen? you could do a light drop set and go 2-3 reps shy of...
  3. J

    changing form to increase hypertrophy

    by that i am guessing you are reffering to not much proof on the lighter weights and flexing? if not hypertrophy, what about increased glycogen storage? i KNOW there is proof of increased hypertrophy with higher loads.
  4. J

    changing form to increase hypertrophy

    when i am using lighter weights, (especially in the begining of the 10s and 15s) i like to make my sets harder by flexing throughout each rep, mainly at the peak of the rep. doing so makes it so my max weight is lower, as my muscles get tired faster. my question is, what will create the most...
  5. J

    Gaining Lots of Mass in Days w/o AAS

    i thought of another while i was lifting today. 4) squeeze each rep with a hard flex at the peak of each rep. (this seems to really help to get the blood flowing to the specific muscles i am trying to hit with each exercise.)
  6. J

    1 short of faliure reps

    i like doing 2 sets in the 15s as well, especially in the begining. i give myself little rest time (30-60 secs) and the glycogen goes through the roof!
  7. J

    Gaining Lots of Mass in Days w/o AAS

    I just finished a bulk cycle and went from ~191 @ 13% bf to ~206 @ 15% bf. An accomplishment I thought was impossible without the use of AAS. I just started lifting legs this cycle after lifting 5+ years so I attribute a lot of gain to that. However the rest is all HST. Thanks Brian! Anyhow...
  8. J

    HST after AAS cycle

    that's one way to answer the question... the other way would be to help him out... continue to lift frequently. you are going to have to hold off on sd for quite some time. make sure your pct is also in check (something to read about on other boards). i myself have not done a cycle, but im...
  9. J

    loosing interest

    everyone gets the lifting blues here and there. just finish out your negs and take a 2 week break. most likely you will want to start lifting again after the sd. keep at it though man. the guys that keep at it have the reward of looking good. the ones that lift on and off will waste a lot of...
  10. J


    id be interested in seeing that too, please post it.
  11. J

    switch from bulk to cut

    makes sense, thanks!
  12. J

    switch from bulk to cut

    that can't be right. if you do that then each mini cycle will take twice as long for these exercises. I may just throw deads on my t/th routine, but i am still interested in how people alternate them.
  13. J

    Next Cycle Setup

    are you cutting? if not you either have to eat 4-5K calories or cut back the exercises. imo you are going to be overtraining (if your natural).
  14. J

    switch from bulk to cut

    i believe i recall reading that sd is not needed if you go from a bulk to a cut cycle. i am on the last week of negs for my bulk cycle. i was planning on doing... calories above maintenance: rest of this week ending bulk cycle maintenance: 1 week of 15s (only doing 1 week of 15s) week 1 of...
  15. J

    continue to bulk or start to cut

    when i say clean bulk i mean both healthy foods as well as slightly above maintenance. i think i am going to extend the current cycle as long as possible (maybe another 2 weeks) and continue to bulk, followed by sd, followed by cutting cycles till my wedding. i was thinking about checking...
  16. J

    Do your friends ever get mad when you don't drink?

    i actually just made a new years resolution to only drink on special occaisions. i just turned 25 and binge drink way too often. it has hindered my gains for too manhy years now. im 6'1 206lbs @ 15% bf. i always wonder what i where i would be if i moderated my drinking more. good for you guys...
  17. J

    continue to bulk or start to cut

    thanks for the response colby. im going to start my next cycle the last week of january. therefore that cycle should last until about the end of march. that would give me 3 months to cut (if i dont start now). if i bulk for another 2 months i will most likely need to lose an additonal 2 lbs...
  18. J

    continue to bulk or start to cut

    i am currently 205lbs 6'1 @ 15% bf. i am getting married on june 30th and want to get down to 8% bf for my bride-to-be. I am finishing my current bulk cycle and will be starting sd next week. after doing some math i figure i need to lose 14lbs of fat to get to 8%. however, that is if all i lose...
  19. J

    Anabolic Diet

    you are going to have to mess with the juice in order to effectively put on lbm and lose fat at the same time. stick to one or the other at a time, you will have better results.
  20. J

    tricep exercise choice

    i disagree that cgbp isnt a good compound. it hits tris, shoulders and chest! sounds like a compound to me. i found my best gains in tris came from cgbp, but my shoulders didnt like them much so i made the switch to skulls. mike mentza actually did a shoulder width bench press, as he stated...