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  1. J

    cardio while bulking for clean gains

    i am currently 2.5 weeks into my bulking cycle (.5 through the first week of the 10s) i am doing a 6 day schedule, two different days done at 5:30pm Mon-Sat. Like everyone bulking I want to get the leanest gains possible. I am adding a little more fat then desired. I started creatine again at...
  2. J

    getting discouraged

    i think frustration from lack of results is all too common in lifting, i am sure it is the #1 reason for people quiting it all together. I never expected it to be easy, but i put in a lot of effort in and out of the gym, always making sure i am getting the most out of everything. I found my...
  3. J

    Meal replacement shake

    i have always been a fan of cereal (preferably "Go Lean Crunch"), protein mix, and peanut butter w/ water or milk in a blender. it has been my breakfast for quite some time since i am not a morning person.
  4. J

    getting discouraged

    have any recomendations on how to get more glycogen back in the arms? I feel like they look like toothpicks! i miss the full look they had prior to my cutting cycle.
  5. J

    getting discouraged

    ill try to include more efa's...what is (caps? cooking oil?) and where can i find Udo's oil? i am also questioning my routine at this point, i know judging by soarness is not always a good indicator, but i am never soar with hst! i feel a good pump for every muslce group and get within 1-3 reps...
  6. J

    getting discouraged

    thanks for all of the input guys... i think an am/pm split is out of the question, as i am a zombie in the morning and whenever i try to do an am workout i end up half assing it. i am trying to eat as much clean food as i can, but i am feeling constantly full! the only thing i can think of to...
  7. J

    getting discouraged

    i have been lifting for about 5 years now and have little to show for it. I am 6'1 185lbs 12%bf i have done 1 cutting hst cycle, which i was happy with. i did 10 days of sd and now I am on the last day of my 15s on my first bulking cycle. i feel like my arms are shrinking and the only weight i...
  8. J

    For Bryan...

    care to post the cycles? I am sure lots of people would like to see OG's older cycles.
  9. J

    lifting for a pump

    thanks a lot guys...I am on my first bulking hst cycle and am excited to see how I do. It seems that more sets (up to a certain point) help to have the muscles store more glycogen giving a fuller look. I have been doing 1.5-2 sets for the 15s and am enjoying see my muscles come back to life!
  10. J

    lifting for a pump

    thanks for the reply guys...I may be incorrect on the exact words used. I just wanted to confirm that it is ok to go by feel rather than a certain amount of reps on my hst schedule.
  11. J

    lifting for a pump

    I have seen a lot of people discussing how many sets to do during their cycle. I recall reading in the FAQ that you want to lift for a "good pump" and one can stop once you have achieved it. It seems like the # of sets should depend on how you feel. If you do one set of 15s and have...
  12. J

    short cycle due to vacation, help

    thanks for the input everybody! :) During the cutting cycle I just ended my muscles had a deflated look by the second week of the 5s. I have a couple questions about this: 1) Will this be the case on a bulking cycle? 2) What can prevent this? (ie dropsets throughout the 5s) 3) Could this...
  13. J

    short cycle due to vacation, help

    I have two vacations I am going on this summer. One is next week and I planned my SD into it perfectly. My problem is I have only 4 weeks afterwards until the next week long vacation. I am thinking it should be broken into, would anyone do it differently? 15s - week 1 10s - week 2,3 5s - week 4...
  14. J

    Add very little fat during bulking

    ill shoot for 300-400 over maintenance. I think I have a pretty good idea of what my maintenance is, as I eat very similar foods from day to day and the same amounts. I noticed my maintenance went up when I switched from 3x a week to 6x, so I will have to adjust appropriately for that. I...
  15. J

    Add very little fat during bulking

    wow that's the most hostility I have seen on these forums yet. Didn't mean to sound like I was bitching, I was simply trying to rephrase my question letting everyone know that it wasn't exactly what I was looking for. I have read the FAQs and found them very useful, but I was looking for...
  16. J

    Add very little fat during bulking

    Not exactly what I was looking for...I was hoping for some more specific help ie -how many cals to eat above maintance (maybe try 500 and go from there, or is that too much?) -% of carbs -etc. would anyone else like to chime in without oversimplyfying it. I am simply looking for tips to...
  17. J

    Add very little fat during bulking

    Obviously, when bulking we are all looking to put on the most amount of lbm with the least amount of fat. I am finishing my cutting cycle this week (est. down to about 10-12% bodyfat, middle of my abs are starting to peek through). I will be starting my bulking cycle after 7 days of SD. Can we...
  18. J

    Add very little fat during bulking

    Obviously, when bulking we are all looking to put on the most amount of lbm with the least amount of fat. I am finishing my cutting cycle this week (est. down to about 10-12% bodyfat, middle of my abs are starting to peek through). I will be starting my bulking cycle after 7 days of SD. Can we...
  19. J

    best times for cardio

    steady state? I thought HIIT was best?
  20. J

    I'm soar, should I take a day off?

    thanks for the quick not use to lifting a body part more than once a week! ill make sure to keep it a rep or two under failure ;)