Fat is good to have in your diet for a couple of reasons...
1) Excellent concentrated source of calories if you are trying to put on weight
2) EFAs are full of good choloestoral which helps to maintain a healthy heart
3) Natural Testosterone levels can be lowered if you do not eat the...
yes cgi is a horrible resource hog. I use www.vbulletin.com forums myself. They are easy to maintain, can be customized easily, AND most importantly they can be used to help better spread the word of HST (could possibly even get this site to the top 10 listings for "whey protein" so...
Good to hear I have some fellow geeks available to help ;) The first thing that comes to mind for servers is switching this forum to php to have it run faster and get spidered better by the search engines. I'll contact you and Bryan when I'm done my cycle and we can chat about what can be done.
thanks for the input guys, I just wanted to make sure that I am not taking it too easy.
i definately get a good pump and a slight burn. the burn is from lactic acid build up?
ill continue to lift to get a good burn/pump...thanks again guys.
blade, sorry if your reading this...didn't mean to...
I started my first day of 15s on my first HST cycle this past Mon. I am doing the following m,w,f
Inner Pulldowns
Incline Bench
Stiff Legged Deads
BB Shoulder Press
BB Shrugs
BB Curls
Skull Crushers
Incline Crunches
For monday, I only lifted one set of 15 reps for each exerise. I...
I have a good knowledge of search engine positioning and how to achieve good rankings. I just started my first HST cycle and will help to do my best to spread the word if I feel it works well. I have been lifting for 5 years, and with everything I have read in these forums I should be very...
this might be a dumb question, but when is the best time to weigh yourself? i would guess after the morning pee for accuracy, but im not sure....my weight changes +,- 3 lbs so it is hard to tell when im gaining/losing.
any tips?
thanks for all the input og i really do appreciate it!
I am going to try the mwf routine w/ cardio on tue,thur,sun i'll keep you posted on my progress. i am very excited to see how my gains are by the end of the cycle!
for your drop sets...how much weight do decrease it by for the drop set?
Agreed, everyone is different so it isn't one size fits all...
currently i am on a calorie deficit diet to lose a little more body fat before summer.
I am thinking that the standard mwf - 2 weeks of 15s, 2 weeks of 10s, 2 weeks of 5s, weeks of 5s with dropsets would be best for me to start...
how do you do your weight increments for the 5s then if there are twice as many days you are actually doing the 5s?
also will 5-6 days a week be overtraining, shouldnt the muscles get more rest to grow properly? possibly a routine of
mon, tues = lift
weds = off
thurs, fri = lift
sat, sun =...
og, good stuff...you certainly have me beat as far as years lifting, as well as some of your measurements, congrats!
last question, i hope...if i do a 6 day routine should the weight still be increasing everyday and just do a smaller increment? or keep make it so day 1 & 2 have the same...
just finished my first day of the 15s...my arms feel like they got a good pump, but im thinking maybe i should have thrown in another set on the larger muscle groups: legs, back and chest. i thought id play it safe though and just do 1 set per exercise like you recommended.
i couldnt do seated...
OG, thank you for your advice...you cleared a lot of things up. i will give the 5 days a week thing a try as i hate cardio and that will allow me to do less of it ;)
i think i will throw dips and rows into the routine. ill keep ya posted on progress, thanks again!
thanks for the advice OG...
couple questions about it though, if i lift 5 days a week do I split the workout up at all or do it all m-f?
I will definatly throw in some seated rows. I was thinking about throwing dips in there, but was scared it would be too much. I guess the best way to find...
your body is only going to put on so much lbm before it makes the excess calories into fat. 2.5 lbs a week of lbm would be incredible! i suggest keeping an eye on the belly and making sure your gains are primarily lbm. if not add in some more cardio, or if you cant do that simply cut back the...
what do you guys do for carbs pre and post workout?
i usually have 40g whey 30 mins pre
and 40g whey and 30g dextrose post w/ 5g creatine, 5 g glutamine