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  1. C

    What are your goals?

    Just interested to know what people's goals are - and why. Mine is 200lb @ 10% BF by 10 May 2006. Currently 172lb @ 17% BF. I reckon the weight is doable, but reducing BF is probably going to be a stretch. Why? 10 May will be a year since I started working out. 10% BF seems like a good number -...
  2. C


    I think scientists call that "having a firm grip on reality". ;)
  3. C


    Yeah, I look forward to it, now. Dysmorphia, though, isn't really about actual body-size, it's about someone's misperception of their body size, specifically that they're too small (when often they're perfectly normal or even perfectly huge ;) ). It's kinda like anorexia-in-reverse. I guess...
  4. C


    While by no means a veteran or expert lifter, I had an insight into muscle/body dysmorphia the other day. I was walking down the road, and thought, "Wow, I'm really quite small and light." Thinking about it for a moment, I realised it wasn't likely that I'd suddenly lost a couple...
  5. C

    your results with HST...

    Hi all, just finished my first HST cycle, and here are the results. Background I had only been going to gym for two months prior to starting HST. I'm 29, 6'2. Routine I stuck with the routine I had been previously using, since it seemed to cover all bases and I was used to it, even though it...