What are your goals?


New Member
Just interested to know what people's goals are - and why.
Mine is 200lb @ 10% BF by 10 May 2006.
Currently 172lb @ 17% BF. I reckon the weight is doable, but reducing BF is probably going to be a stretch.
10 May will be a year since I started working out. 10% BF seems like a good number - half what I was when I started. 200lb is how much I weighed when I was fat a couple of years back, and it seems like a milestone - same weight, different configuration.

:) Chris.
Current - 156 lbs (70 Kgs) @ 12.69% bodyfat.

Goal - 178 (80 Kgs) @ 6 - 8% bodyfat.

Height - 166 cms = 65.35 Inches

Not to unhappy, bodyfat goal not so easy to accomplish but I really don't count calories or track things down, just try to keep healthy intake.
My goal, although I'm not really in a hurry to get there, is about 209-210 lbs (95 kg). I currently weigh 194 lbs (88kg), have not measured bodyfat, but probably right now somewhere around 15%.

I do NOT want to weigh more than 210. I was up at about 215 lbs a couple of years ago, but that was to much. I didn't feel comfortable - it was like dragging around to much weight, I prefer being a bit more allround and able to do some more cardio. So 210 is a goal in a sense, but also an absolute limit (I know that may seem strange to some). When I hit 210 my intention is to stay around that weight but to reduce bodyfat down to a level at which I feel comfortable.

/ R
man that is a good question.

I am 5'9 210 or so 215?... @ about 12-15% I am very happy with my progress amazed actually ... but want more. I would like to gain about 10lbs of muscle and looses 15 of fat. My arms just broke 17 would love 18. I "just tickled" 300 on incline bench -- I would like to "own" it. 3 to 5 solid reps at 300. Would like a few more inches on my legs. but most of all I need to cut my waist (it can get up to 35)
Want to add back in more cardio so it is not only a good build but want stamina. And I need to strech more. So I am getting alot closer to where I want to be but not there yet. I set goals 3.5 years ago when I started HST and have surpassed most of them now. Just want a little more.... but who dosen't

110kgs on the bench press, 125kgs BB rows are my short term goals...17 inch arms are what I'm after :)