It sure does help.
I greatly appreciate the response and suggestions. And the equation.
It looks like i haven't been eating enuf calories. I have been way shy oh some days for sure.
Thanks again!
I weigh in at a whopping 180lbs. Aprox 22-23% BF. I have been stuck here for a while now. I starged my first cycle of HST last Monday. I am more interested in shedding fat. If I weigh 180, my maintenance should be around 1800 calories right? So if I eat 1600 a day and burn off 200-300 a day...
Ha, me too. Even though I like them because I know they are very productive, something about having more than my own bodyweight on my shoulders gives me that eary feeling, or when you see that iron bar bowing a little. On the other sure makes you feel stought!!!
I agree with the back not getting as sore as easy...... as far as working out is concerned. However, if I go out and rake leaves or dig a trench, my back is sore for a week!
Thanks again to both of you for your responses! They are GREATLy appreciated.
I have decided to do a am/pm workout 3 days a week. m/w/f. I will do the same 10 exercises am and pm.
O&G always suggests doing no more than 60 total sets a week. If I do 10 am and 10 pm times 3 days a week that is...
I will be starting a cutting cycle in 2 days and was wondering if creatine would be a total waste. The whole concept behind creatine is so more water remains in the muscle for quicker repair right? However if I wanna look more cut, will it also make me look, for the lack of a better word...
Not real sure how to describe where mine came from.
I used to do quite a bit of hacking and a pc is referred to a "box".
so b0xm0ns73r = the monster inside your pc :-)
and the 0's for o's and 3's for e's and the 7 for a t is all kinda hacker talk.
Make Sense?
Thanks for the quick reply DKM. I was hoping I was reading that right. I am so excited, I don't want to wait a week to start.
Now the more I read, the more i see where some say an am/pm split is better for cutting fat. I might think about doing that, if I can figure out the best approach...
I miss spelled chiefhog the first time and had to go back and edit it, and it was right there in front of me. Although I suspect my keyboard has a slight case of dislexia
I don't think I put it in my post, but i do eat a lot of fish. Mostly talapia. I grill it. I can't stand any kind of fried fish......I guess thats a good thing though right? :-)
I'm glad creacher posed those question and glad ya'll answred. I will be figuring out my 5 Rm tomorrow and then will be on SD for 9 days and then start.
Thanks to creacher, baby a, and gripstrength :-)
My diet usually consist of
egg whites and maybe 1 yolk for 5 whites
chicken breasts....lots of those (some would say I am a breastman LOL)
lean steak
shredded wheat ceral
skim milk...occasionally 1%
sweet potatoes
100% whole wheat bread
protein power either mixed with milk...
I thought I was the only one that done that. At one of my previous jobs, they laughed and laughed at me.
I also mix my Spinach with beans. I don't like Spinach, but if i want them big forearms, i got's to eats me spinach ;-)
thanks to both of you for the is greatly appreciated.
I have an accumeasure BF caliper that i just got, so i will get used to it and try and narrow doen my bf. i am going to buy a tape today and get some mesurements. i will post them both, the bf and other measurements.
I am...