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  1. L


    damo, There are basically two different versions of these kinds of fat burners: with or without ephedrine. As far as I'm concerned you might as well take a cup of coffee before working out if it doesn't have ephedrine in it. It'll cost more than it's worth. But that's just me... Anyway - try it...
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    It will probably help you work with a hightened intensity, but it will probably also help you get rid of calories - which means you'd have to eat just a little more. Try them and see what happens...You probably don't have to worry about them ruining your cycle or anything, but be careful when...
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    Good Fat v Bad Fat

    How about fries ? ;) Oh...must be the excellent source of EFAs that makes me crave fries on sunday mornings (or...early afternoon)
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    Increased Body Weight = More Daily Calories?

    You really think so ?
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    Increased Body Weight = More Daily Calories?

    If you read it backwards very fast, it says "HST is good, Bryan is God"...It's true - really!
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    Increased Body Weight = More Daily Calories?

    What ? This thread ? I think it's a sign from above...
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    Increased Body Weight = More Daily Calories?

    Oh, c'mon! Now you triggered my curiousity - and we all know what that did to the cat!
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    Increased Body Weight = More Daily Calories?

    And I was hoping I would be the one that could give subtle hints to everyone else that they should stop bein childish. Guess that'll never happen ;)
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    Increased Body Weight = More Daily Calories?

    I see your five and raise you one!
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    What's your opinion of using steroids?

    I just read bout the different delivery mechanisms for test, and found a funny one. With test cream they recommend you cycle application spots as it will get more hair growth. Then, a little further down, it says that some men might want to apply it to the shaft in order to improve sexual...
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    What's your opinion of using steroids?

    See where you miss the point ? By being too generalizing you didn't even make room for the fact that this drug is a medicine and some (most) people use it as a treatment. In my case 10 years have gone pretty much to maintain the muscle I had when I was 18. Do you have what it takes to see why...
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    Zinc <-> Aromatase

    Hey, I just read some stuff about zinc stopping aromatase from converting too much of testosterone into estrogen. Does anyone have any info on this ?
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    What's your opinion of using steroids?

    Steve, This isn't my field, but I was just reading about the whole prostate thing regarding HRT (guess it depends on your dosages, but what I read was very interesting). It seems (I can see if I can find references) that research is implying that enlargement of the prostate can't be linked to...
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    What's your opinion of using steroids?

    How nice of you to set the standards ;) I wouldn't go that far, but hey...let's say &quot;they weren't seeing good enough results 10 years of training, thousands of pages of reading, hundreds of hours measuring foods etc etc wasn't good enough ? You know, I'd say you're borderline...
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    Udo's oil

    I'm not big on timing, but I like to take mine in a protein shake. I usually add 10-15g in each, depending on how much extra calories I need.
  16. L

    hey, i kinda asked this before, but..

    Add fat. :)
  17. L

    Increased Body Weight = More Daily Calories?

    Thanks for pointing that out, Restless. I tried to generalize...
  18. L

    Proper diet during SD prior to 1st cycle

    It may be that I'm not properly awake yet, but...what you're suggesting sounds more like breaking down muscle tissue by eating like a pig, instead of keeping the hard-earned muscle and make it more sensitive to resistance training.
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    Increased Body Weight = More Daily Calories?

    If you gain muscle, then &quot;yes&quot; you must eat more. Put it like this. If you, at current weight, need to eat x calories to maintain and y to gain weight, then you will at some period in time need y calories to maintain this. If you want to gain even more you have to eat yet more. This...
  20. L


    If you can get an EC(A) stack with ephedrine HCL in it and can handle it, then I'd go for it. For the kind of [insert own swear word here] they sell in Europe and Australia it's not worth it. I got ephedrine HCL from my doc when I was in the army, misread the instructions and took a table spoon...