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  1. L

    cottage cheese

    For an easy meal, just mix with some yoghurt - it's good, and it's low GI. I love it, so at least I got *something* out of reading the BFL book ;)
  2. L


    Thiger, As I was afraid, your "ECA" stack probably won't do too much. What I suggest you do is check the EU rules to see if you can import ephedrine for your own use from another EU country. In Norway you're allowed to import up to three months use as long as the item is not...
  3. L


    Hi, If I'm not mistaken, the ones you, söta bror, can buy legally will help you lots - by slimming your wallet. My advice would be to just stay away from it unless your laws have been changed the last couple of years. I don't do much shopping in Svinesund anymore as I've relocated to...
  4. L

    Penis enlargement pills.

    I'd guess they could. If you'd just get yourself a Prince Albert and then hang the jar from it, I guess it would at least look longer ;)
  5. L

    Testosterone (calculations)

    Well, here's a little update on day 6; - This morning my psoriasis is starting to come back - I started getting back the feeling of having something stuck in the back of my throat (caughing to try to get it loose) - Started to get more irritated again Other things I've noticed is that people...
  6. L

    Low Carb Refeeds a No-No?

    You should be able to post, too. I just don't remember what I did back when I registered there, but I wrote something generic in the registration box and it worked. I'll see if I can find out...
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    Low Carb Refeeds a No-No?

    Blade, yup, that's me! I was 5 kg fatter, but...I still look the same :) Camelia: did you get my email ? You should try Active Low-Carbers Forum for some help for your friend. They've got everything from people hardly getting out of their couches to extreme workoholics so I guess there must be...
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    Low Carb Refeeds a No-No?

    I would ask Lyle too, if I were you. My point with the post was that I didn't see why she would do such a moderate refeed. Going very low fat and moderate carbs and protein just didn't sound like it would do much good for anything except getting out of ketosis, and then have to go through, if...
  9. L

    Testosterone (calculations)

    Camelia, I'm in aussie, but not *an* aussie, and you're right about the syringes being preloaded. My problem here is that I don't really want to risk doing deep muscle injections without having adrenaline close by in case I hit a blood vessel. I've injected my own allergy medication for years...
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    Low Carb Refeeds a No-No?

    This is just my humble opinion, so take it for what it's worth... The *only* reason for taking a refeed is if you're doing very hard weight training. Bouncing around a couple of something I'm sure Lyle would call pink dumbells does not do the trick. Also, you have make sure you're depleting...
  11. L

    Testosterone (calculations)

    Thanks, Blade! I'll discuss it with him after the initial 9 weeks (got a script for 26 weeks of 250mg/3weeks to start with). How fast do you think natural production will up-regulate again ? Is there any chance of it picking up, thereby helping the total test to stay high-normal - normal the...
  12. L

    Testosterone (calculations)

    Hey, all! I finally got a script for testosterone for my "less than optimal" levels and just wanted to know if one of the pros in here could tell me what I can expect from it (in terms of levels and such). The script is for something called Primoteston Depot (testosterone enantate)...
  13. L


    I buy from wherever I get the best prices. Get your supps to Brisbane and I will buy :)
  14. L

    Low carb (keto) dishes

    Hello, all! Long time reader, long time poster, long time away'er ;) I was just wondering if anyone wants to share any good low-carb dishes or links to recipes. I'm planning on doing a two month keto diet to see how much of my 15kgs added are muscles, then switch to one of the low-carb cyclic...
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    stimulation of leptin production

    WHERE do you come off dodging my attempt to start a flame-war ? :mad: :) :D
  16. L

    stimulation of leptin production

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (virtualcyber @ June 27 2002,10:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yes, I am South Korean, living in the USA.  And when Korean soccer team lost, I was pi@#$@#$.  It was fun watching, even though thanks...
  17. L


    I'm going to try again with a lower dosage as soon as exams are done. I'll stick to 2.5mg/day and see how it goes. If I don't notice anything special I'll rule it out and go back to keto diets ;)
  18. L


    Well, that's that! I've gone a couple of days without bromo and I must say I feel great! I have no more stuffed nose and I don't feel run down and need sleep at 10am any more. I also feel more energetic. All things considered I'm not really interested in feeling like ####. I'd rather spend a...
  19. L


    The reason is that I've now completely &quot;healed&quot; exept for some coughing (I always cough long after having the flu). Even though I have done circuits like this before - even with more walking prior and after - I have *never* puked before. It is also based on the general feeling I had...
  20. L


    Ok. I did some changes today and they were successful! 1. I worked out later in the day when the bromo in my system were lower (8 hours after taking it) 2. I decreased the dosage back down to 3.75mg as I felt shitty all day on 5mg 3. I had a good meal before working out (&quot;Subway, eat...