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  1. 9

    Max load increase: too slow?

    Just wanted to remind that drops sets are used to bring up metabolic work and are not the primary stimulus for growth, so that nobody gets the wrong impression here. They are used IN ADDITION to the heavy loads, when the number of reps is low.
  2. 9

    high reps vs. low reps in arms?

    The pros can get away with doing higher reps simply because they are using AAS and other stuff we don't even know of. I remember reading somewhere in the FAQ that these guys eventually get so strong that they choose lower weights/higher reps just for safety, because either way will work for...
  3. 9

    More sets?

    When you see people talking about 3 or more sets per bodypart, you have to consider their weightlifting experience. Generally, experienced lifters need to do a little more "to overcome years of RBE", as The Bryan states it in the FAQ. Nevertheless, you know that everybody needs to...
  4. 9

    Keep bulking or cut?

    Well, it's a matter of personal preference, I think. Do you want to get bigger an any cost? Then you could continue bulking. Or does the fat around the midsection bother you a lot? Then maybe it's time to cut. Ultimately, it's your call. Do what you need to do in order to be happy with yourself...
  5. 9

    think i might be overtraining...

    If you are dragging yourself into each workout (i.e. never feel like working out), delaying your workouts altogether, losing strength and feeling weak in general then it might be overtraining. Otherwise do not worry too much about it and just go on with what you are doing. Remember, it is not a...
  6. 9

    Howmany of you?...

    I'll just SD during the holidays and then start a new cycle with the new year.
  7. 9

    Setting up first 8 week cycle?

    Hi littlelouie, welcome to HST. :) Well, it isn't necessary to drop the iso's if you don't want to. Many people here, including myself, have opted to get rid of the iso's once they hit the heavy weights in order to concentrate on the compounds. But in the end it's up to you. Start a cycle and...
  8. 9

    Why 15-10-5 and not 15-13-11-9-7-5?

    Actually, I'm trying to put together something like this myself. It is still early to comment on this, I'll see how it goes. Anyway, like the others, I would strongly recommend a standard cycle (15-10-5) first to get the hang of it before you make any adjustments. The first cycle is invaluable...
  9. 9

    How long does it REALLY take to get big?

    Hey Totentanz, Absolutely right, you're doing this for you, so that you feel ok with yourself. Weight training (and training in general, I suppose) can have a major psychological impact on you (positive, of course). Besides, I don't think you are doing justice to yourself. Like "The...
  10. 9

    Is "work" not a factor?

    The other guys have pretty much nailed it, but I''l try to add something. "Work" is primarily seen as TUT. More reps with the same weight would generally mean more TUT. Of course, the time under load plays a role, but the load itself is much more important. Let me use JV's example...
  11. 9

    How long does it REALLY take to get big?

    True, true, true. How many times have you had this discussion? - I'm small. - You're big! - I'm just your average guy. - Are you kidding? Look around and see for yourself.
  12. 9

    A question for Haycock

    Well, it seems that Lol joined the discussion before I clicked the "Add Reply" button. :) He's right, make sure that you read the FAQ too, most of your questions will be answered there.
  13. 9

    A question for Haycock

    Hi Orex82, As you can see, I'm not "The Bryan" but I'll try to answer your questions. HST proposes that you can grow FASTER. It doesn't state that all the other programs are ineffective. True, you can grow even with a traditional "every muscle once a week" split. But you can...
  14. 9

    Next phase

    But we can't just rely on elevated protein synthesis rates to build muscle... We still need to cause microtrauma and stay ahead of the RBE when trying to bulk, hence the heavy weights towards the end of the cycle. Nevertheless, this is very interesting indeed and it could probably be applied to...
  15. 9

    Next phase

    Hi JV, :) This is an extremely interesting study, and pretty much a new one (2005). This seems to be the heart of their conclusions. Just ensure maximal fiber recruitment and you can rest assured that you've done all that's necessary to keep muscle protein synthesis rates elevated. So, to try...
  16. 9

    Sorry...Another one

    Hi dengus, and welcome. :) I don't know if you are planning to do your exercises in the way you listed them, but if that's the case, then maybe you should consider performing the iso's AFTER your heavy compounds. Your rows would probably suffer after BB curls... Anyway, good luck and happy lifting.
  17. 9

    exercises order

    Yeah, this is my approach too. Compounds first, squat being the last of them, and then iso's and abs.
  18. 9

    Next phase

    Hey Spyke, The general consensus here is that you do not need to SD when you are cutting. So, if you are still cutting after finishing your cycle, go right into the next one. 3 months is a lot of time, so it will probably take you some cycles to get where you want. Anyway, just keep in mind that...
  19. 9

    12 months of HST

    Exactly. I couldn't agree more. All I wanted to say was that the SD would probably do a better job at deconditioning the muscle than 2 weeks of 15's. But if someone plans to start right away with the 5's after deloading for two weeks with 15's, then maybe either way will not make much of a...
  20. 9

    Pete Sisco

    It is actually surprising how statements like this stem from famous trainers. Ok, let's see what this means. We know from highschool physics that work = force x distance. Consequently, intensity = (force x distance) / time. Now, let's assume that the force we apply is equal to the...