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  1. 9

    12 months of HST

    Jester, I don't think there is a definitive answer to your question, or at least we are not aware of any studies that could back up one theory or the other. There is the possibility that 2 weeks of 30's or even 15's may be (nearly) as effective as an SD, but we are not sure. The whole point...
  2. 9

    Strength vs. muscle size

    I absolutely agree with Hardrock. Strength is largely a matter of CNS activation, so two people with a similar physique (muscle size) may differ significantly in strength. However, all other factors remaining equal (mainly neural efficiency), if a person grows larger muscles, he/she will...
  3. 9

    Pete Sisco

    I don't know, it looks like an article written only to back up his "static holds" method of training (and the accompanying book), if you've heard of it.
  4. 9

    Training log

    And wait till you get into the 5's. Try weighted pullups followed by heavy rows and then come back and tell us how your biceps feel (after of course one final high-rep set added for metabolic work) .
  5. 9

    Cutting and HST

    Normal HST training (frequency, weight progression etc.) combined with reduced caloric intake should do the trick. If you wish to do little or no cardio, I suggest that you try high frequency, 6x a week (watch your volume, though). Read the FAQ, too. Lots of good tips there.
  6. 9

    Training log

    That's what I'd do. When you reach the negs, cut back to compounds only and 3x a week, or 6x a week with a split to keep the workouts short. Anyway, just listen to your body and it will tell you when it's time to drop the iso's. In my case, this happens towards the end of the 5's. An additional...
  7. 9

    Frist week of 15's down - I'm loving this!

    Great to hear that you enjoy HST! If you choose to do more sets (2-3) during the 5's and post 5's, you may find that you will need to drop some exercises in order to save time. In that case, isolation exercises should be the first candidates. Anyway, as you put it, the first cycle is an attempt...
  8. 9

    leg work - discomfort

    I'm inclined to say that heavy leg extensions are the source of your problem, but I'm not sure. Anyway, leg extensions after squats seem a bit redundant to me. So, I suggest that you drop them for a while and see if that fixes the situation.
  9. 9

    Training log

    Instead of dropping triceps iso's altogether, you might want to try triceps pushdowns (cable). I can go heavy with them without pain in the elbows. Just make sure that you give your elbows some time to "heal", maybe 2 workouts with light weights before packing on again.
  10. 9

    Short Cycle or Not?

    Yeah, do as the other guys say. In fact, I'm about to start something similar myself. I've got a flu at the moment, once I get well I'll start a new cycle. Unfortunately, it will only be for a month or so before Christmas (sort of a compulsory SD). So, my plan is to begin with weights somewhere...
  11. 9

    Proper wat to SD ?

    Well, it seems I had got it totally wrong. Yeah, I thought that DOMS would always be accompanied with a hypertrophic effect, even though growth can occur without it. :confused: The FAQ left me with an impression that DOMS was actually a good thing... Anyway, that's one of the reasons I'm here...
  12. 9


    Perhaps a post with all the necessary links by Dan to the already sticky (and relevant) "Reading before Posting" could do the trick, so that everyone is happy? Basic, easy to find knowledge concentrated in one place, no new stickies, no changes to the organization of the forums...
  13. 9


    I agree that these forums are and should remain FREE for everyone. However, be it a sticky or not, it would be convenient if anyone could find what is considered as "common knowledge" in one place, instead of looking around and reading through older posts just to find one link. How...
  14. 9

    Proper wat to SD ?

    JV, thanks for your response. I'm not sure if I have understood it, though. Let me explain. I always thought that DOMS probably means that some sort of hypertrophic activity is going on. I still believe this is the general consensus, too (according to the FAQ). On the other hand, I know that...
  15. 9

    My first HST cycle

    Hi Dave16, and welcome to the forums. Rob really said it all, I would only like to second him on the volume part. An experienced lifter like you will probably need a bit more volume than 1 set per bodypart. Try to maintain the volume you used with your previous routine, just spread it over 3...
  16. 9

    Protecting the wrists during HST

    malu, During my last cycle, after continuing for 1 week with 5RM before going into the post-5's, I experienced some irritation in the elbows (especially during skullcrushers) and wrists (especially during BB curls). After dropping these iso's, everything went to normal again and I was able to go...
  17. 9

    Proper wat to SD ?

    Thanks Jester, no, I don't consider DOMS an accurate indication of hypertrophy. All I wanted to do was point out that the response wasn't that great after the layoff (meaning that maybe I didn't decondition enough?). Usually I don't feel any DOMS at all throughout a cycle, even though I know...
  18. 9


    Got to agree with Jester and Fausto. The e-books are considered common knowledge, yet new people may have trouble tracking them.
  19. 9

    Proper wat to SD ?

    During my previous cycle I made a little experiment. After finishing my 5's (the "traditional" 6 weeks), and before going into the post-5's, I had to take a week completely off (9 days to be precise, no weightlifting or even cardio). After getting back to the gym, I decided to pick up...
  20. 9

    12 months of HST

    Great post, Jester. Always good to hear about other people's experiences with HST. I don't know about the deloading part, though. I can't understand how deloading can be superior to SD (size-wise). Any insights/opinions on this?