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  1. 9

    tricep execises

    That's how I perform this exercise. Be careful with your elbows when you get to the heavy stuff, though. About the bicep pain, now, I'm not sure. I'm inclined to believe that it's something different and not this exercise. If you can't figure this out soon, switch exercises and see how it goes...
  2. 9

    Off topic -- I'm out of here

    Bob, I'm sorry to hear that. Best of luck to you, I hope we'll see you soon.
  3. 9

    HST Principle "Don't train to Failure"

    However, as Dan has mentioned, it's relatively "safe" to reach failure in the last workout of each rep range, or in the last 2-3 workouts before the end of the cycle, if you like. By the way, great posts by JV and Dan!
  4. 9

    New angle

    Sounds good to me. I feel that when you get to the very heavy work (post-5's - negatives), you should concentrate on the heavy compounds. Fausto proposes that we do not drop iso's altogether, but rather use them once or twice per week IN ADDITION to the basic compounds-only program (on...
  5. 9

    2nd HST Cycle

    I agree with Totentanz and Fausto, try adding some kind of rows for your back. I would also recommend weighted dips, in addition to incline bench. If you feel this is too much for one workout, maybe you can alternate in this fashion; lat pulldown (A), rows (B) incline bench (A), dips (B)...
  6. 9

    HST Principle "Don't train to Failure"

    Sorry, my mistake, what I really meant is that more reps (with the same speed) would equal more time under tension (and not tension). Thanks.
  7. 9

    shoulder seems lacking..?

    If you aren't doing this already, I would suggest shrugs for your traps. Better overall development and look.
  8. 9

    shoulder seems lacking..?

    If you aren't doing this already, I would suggest shrugs for your traps. Better overall development and look.
  9. 9

    HST Principle "Don't train to Failure"

    That would be dangerous, too. Just imagine using your 1RM for squats!
  10. 9

    stretch and load on lats

    I'm currently doing wide-grip pullups, palms facing away. It seems that I'm affected too by misinformation out there... I thought it was better because it doesn't use the biceps as much. Sure, I'm much stronger with narrow-grip, palms facing me, but I thought it was only because of more work...
  11. 9

    stretch and load on lats

    I'm currently doing wide-grip pullups, palms facing away. It seems that I'm affected too by misinformation out there... I thought it was better because it doesn't use the biceps as much. Sure, I'm much stronger with narrow-grip, palms facing me, but I thought it was only because of more work...
  12. 9

    New angle

    I'm sorry, reading the previous posts more carefully I realised that pulses and stretches are to be used with the compounds, so that "off days" will be devoted strictly to iso's. However, this doesn't change anything in my remarks, as long as the iso's mean more work than the basic...
  13. 9

    New angle

    I'm not sure if I get this right, but if new program = (basic 3x a week) + (iso's on off days), then definitely it would be better than the basic 3x a week, since it incorporates more volume without adding much CNS fatigue (due to iso's). Sure, you might be better off doing 6x a week up to the...
  14. 9

    HST Principle "Don't train to Failure"

    JV has already responded, so naturally there is not much for me to say. :D In the example about 3x3 and 1x5, I simply assumed that the weight is heavy enough to cause maximal fiber recruitment, so that the equation more reps = more tension would hold. Apart from that, remember that we focused...
  15. 9

    HST Principle "Don't train to Failure"

    thehamma, First of all, great question. I think you believe in HST as much as we all here do, but you just want further clarifications on certain matters - aspects of training, which is great. I don't really know much about physiology, so I can't give you an appropriate answer. This is only my...
  16. 9

    Almost done w/15's results & questions

    I agree with Joe G, try cutting first. Even when your goal is fat loss, you shouldn't modify the program (maybe do not SD, though). Keep a consistent training stimulus and leave the rest to your nutrition.
  17. 9

    question about incorporating chins

    If you can handle it and and still feel good for the next workout, nothing is "too much". As long as you can maintain your frequency and progressive load, you are fine. Start worrying when you delay your workouts and/or lose strength.
  18. 9

    question on negs

    Of course you can, since the purpose of drop sets is to increase metabolic work, which is minimal when the number of reps (per set) is low.
  19. 9

    problem area, help w/workaround

    I was about to say the exact same thing. Solutions come naturally because with HST one does not have to stick blindly to a prescribed number of sets and reps. Rather, they learn about the way muscle grows in reality and then they apply this knowledge to their training. In fact, thinking outside...
  20. 9

    Max-OT vs HST

    Well, there is a tiny possibility that people on this board may be a bit biased... Seriously though, apart from what the other guys said, once you get a grasp of the basic ideas of HST (and consequently of muscle growth), A LOT of the other stuff you know will just seem nonsense. I won't say...