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  1. 9

    AM/PM split/advice

    Yeah, strengthening the lower back definitely helps with heavy exercises like squats and deadlifts. I've heard others say so, plus my own experience. Maybe you can spend some time strengthening your lower back with "light" exercises like hyperextensions before trying heavy squats. In...
  2. 9

    problem area, help w/workaround

    I would suggest the leg press, but there isn't one in your gym... So, start very light with squats (20 or more reps) and follow normal progression up to a point where you are still comfortable with it (maybe 8-10 reps?). In other words, normal progression but more reps, so that the weight is...
  3. 9

    Why do I feel like this on 2nd day following HST

    thecoffeeguy, The first thing that comes to mind is volume. The 15's are taxing, and multiple sets may just be too much. However, if you know you can handle the volume (e.g. from a previous cycle), then the most likely reason is nutrition (not enough calories, usually from carbohydrates).
  4. 9

    Question regarding reps

    Exactly what thehamma said. Wait until the rep range you are in allows you to use that exercise. Until then, use a good (but lighter) substitute, such as machine (cable) pulldowns instead of pullups.
  5. 9

    using the sample workout

    I'd like to second what JV said (and Dan, in another post) about isolation exercises near the start of the cycle. I'm currently extending the 5's for a week or two (by continuing with 5 RM) before going into negatives. I feel that my arms now (especially biceps) receive a fair amount of work by...
  6. 9


    Strange... Those things supposedly make your muscles contract by sending pulses of electricity, so that you can actually exercise without the CNS taking notice. In theory it may be a good idea, but I hear that they are nowhere near as effective as a heavy weight. I can only think of 2...
  7. 9

    using the sample workout

    When you get to 10 reps, you work up to your 10 RM over 6 workouts. Similarly, when you get to 5 reps, you work up to your 5 RM. Let's say that your 5 RM is 200 and the increment you use is 10. During your 5 reps 2-week block you will be using the following weights (for the respective workout)...
  8. 9

    RBE, Slow gains and modifying the program.

    JV, excellent post about type I and type II fibers. Keep them coming!
  9. 9

    using the sample workout

    the core, You are supposed to work up to your 15, 10 or whatever RM max during a 2-week block, not just use the same weight for each workout. You start out relatively light and you increment each workout until in the end you use your max weights for the rep range you are in. Sorry if I've got it...
  10. 9

    week 2,4,6,8 set count

    There is no need to reduce the volume during the second week of each 2-week block. That's why nobody mentions something like that in their sample routines. If you feel you can handle the same volume during the second week, try it and see for yourself how it feels. The volume doesn't necessarily...
  11. 9

    Why do I feel like this on 2nd day following HST

    Hardrock, Why go back to a "traditional" split routine? Just take the overall weekly volume you would be doing with that routine, and split it into 3 fullbody workouts. This way of course you wouldn't be increasing the overall volume, so exercise tolerance should not be a problem...
  12. 9


    After all, this is the essence of bodybuilding... Cause microtrauma to the muscle and then feed it so that it can repair itself and become bigger and stronger. The theory is simple, its application though can be somewhat trickier.
  13. 9

    Where are you from?

    It may seem strange with this name, but it's true... I'm from Greece, guys. Guess you didn't see that coming! ;) May I dare ask if there is another Greek here?
  14. 9

    2 non workout related questions

    Hooray and well earned.
  15. 9

    Where'd you get your username?

    Mine is pretty obvious... I work 9 to 5 and then go to the gym and lift weights. Avoid it if you can.
  16. 9

    2 non workout related questions

    I've noticed that every time I come back to the forums, there are always a couple of guests around. I can only assume that people are noticing. After all, we all started as guests, reading (A LOT) before registering. By the way, JV, that post of yours about HST rituals was hilarious. I...
  17. 9


    Ah, that's a good question. I bet a lot of people are puzzled over this one. Well, I'm not the most appropriate person to answer, but I'll start, hoping that other more knowledgeable guys will follow. Please note that the following are only what I have gathered reading around, so I don't claim...
  18. 9

    what you say to this.....

    I agree with Joe.Muscle on the topic of exercise selection. I just choose 1-2 exercises per bodypart and form my routine around them. Even back when I was volume training (many exercises per bodypart), I felt only 1-2 were worth it and the rest served only as a means of exhaustion. Generally we...
  19. 9

    Fiber types vs. capillary density

    Interesting... I always thought that bodybuilders have a higher percentage of type II fibers, not type I. Wrong definition of the term, I suppose.
  20. 9

    ok to skip a day?

    Fausto, It seems we are on the same boat. I am near the end of my second week of 5's, but maybe I'll have to stop for a week (not a medical problem though) and then resume. Since the week off will effectively be a short SD, I was thinking or repeating the second week of 5's (normal load...