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  1. 9

    Cutting question

    I agree with the other guys. In my experience, high frequency has been a valuable tool when trying to cut. Go 6x a week, watch your diet and let your training do the rest. Adjust your caloric intake accordingly to your current rate of weight loss. This way you should be able to preserve as much...
  2. 9

    Maxing out before end of rep blocks

    What Fausto said already. Keep the same weight for your next workout. That way you will get enough reps and leave some more room for progression during your 10's.
  3. 9

    Fiber types vs. capillary density

    So, are capillary increases related to activation of the erk1/2 pathway? I remember reading that this pathway contributes more to muscle quality (and not so much size). Or is it something different? Maybe I'm completely lost here, in which case I apologize for my stupid questions. Just trying...
  4. 9

    Fiber types vs. capillary density

    I'm not so sure about what it's talking about and certainly I'm no expert, but it seems that the issue here is bringing up metabolic work for lagging bodyparts. When the weight is heavy and the number of reps is naturally low, MAPKerk1/2 activity decreases dramatically. Although less a...
  5. 9

    How much do YOU add to YOUR lifts?

    Supposing you are a relatively experienced lifter (i.e. your CNS is adequately "trained" already), this pretty much depends on how much weight you have put on during your cycle. If you have gained nothing, then probably there will be no increments at all. And of course the weight added...
  6. 9

    Time under tension how slow?

    My opinion is that the tempo isn't as important as some may think. The slower the tempo, the less reps you can get (or the less weight you can use). The opposite is also true (naturally). Eventually, the total TUL is about the same either way, unless you use less weight in order to emphasize TUL...
  7. 9

    Body split

    Muscle (not CNS) recovery is not much of an issue with HST. There is no such thing as "supercompensation" of the muscle. Read the FAQ and it will all become clear to you. Also look for a thread named "alternate A/B split evrday VS fullBbdy split ".
  8. 9

    Protein as first/last meal

    Slow protein before bed, fast protein immediately after the workout. Whey is a fast protein.
  9. 9

    Routein Critque Please

    Good advice from the other guys. I would definitely recommend weighted dips and chinups.
  10. 9


    There is definitely a relationship between SD duration and level of conditioning. Generally, a greater SD duration means a lower level of conditioning (what we want). However, we have to balance that with muscle loss during the deconditioning period. I would propose a 2-week SD, 3 weeks at most.
  11. 9

    Signs of RBE???

    You know RBE has caught up with you when you are not making gains any more... I don't know another way to distinguish. However, if you have been progressing until now, continue with your max weights (5RM, negatives or whatever) a couple of weeks and then SD. Your gains will most likely be pretty...
  12. 9


    Congratulations, Fausto! Can't wait to see a post with your new status. Keep up the good work!
  13. 9

    alternate A/B split evrday VS fullBbdy split

    Louno, Yes, I mean Day1 - group A Day2 - group B Day3 - group A Day4 - group B and so on, groups A and B working different muscles, as your friend suggests. As long as the frequency and the volume is the same, the only real advantages over the standard 3x a week full body program are those...
  14. 9

    Reading before Posting

    I don't deny I'm guilty too. However, I agree with Bob Evans and would like to point out yet another time that most of the "obvious beginner questions" are answered in the FAQ. It's been an invaluable source of information to me.
  15. 9

    alternate A/B split evrday VS fullBbdy split

    Just keep in mind that most people do this in order to get more volume in. As long as your workouts are evenly spaced apart about 36-48 hours from one another, apart from what colby said there is no other particular advantage in taking your current routine and splitting it up into two halves...
  16. 9

    Splitting reps up

    Splitting the total reps in such a way will probably have little effect on p38 activity. However, there is a dramatic drop in erk1/2 activity (metabolic work). Since the purpose of the 15's is to induce lactic acid in order to repair tendons and joints , there is no point in performing your reps...
  17. 9

    cut in the 15s, bulk in 10s & 5s?

    What Totentanz said about staying at maintenance for a few days is very important. If you were to go from a caloric surplus to a caloric deficit immediately, you'd probably starve to death (let alone other physiological issues)! The opposite is not recommended, too.
  18. 9


    Nothing wrong with supersetting, guys. Bryan himself said in another thread that he almost always supersets to save time.
  19. 9

    Why decrease in volume?

    The primary stimulus for muscle hypertrophy is load (activation of the MAPKp38 pathway). Another mechanism related to hypertrophy involves the MAPKerk1/2 pathway (that feeling of "burn" in the muscle), but this is not as important as the first. If all other things are equal, an...