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  1. F

    toward the end of 1st cycle

    at the end of each cycle 15s,10s,5s, it is easier to do your maxes you get to your last workout of each cycle if you can put on more weight than you have wrote down then that is your new max..if you just want to change a few exercises then on your last week of post 5s or negs...on...
  2. F

    What Happens for Next Cycle?

    if your maxes have not increased stay with the previous maxes they might increase next cycle..the extra 2wks of 5s use your max weight for two your max weight is 100k for 3sets of 5  then do that for the extra 2wks..i like to do 2sets of 5, and on the 2nd setdo a metabolic set  :D...
  3. F

    Cardio with HST

    there are also health benefits to cardio..the heart and lungs are muscles and need exercise, the stronger the heart and lungs the easier it is to pump blood and oxygen to the muscles surely that must be a good thing.
  4. F

    Cardio with HST

    it has been shown that even though a muscle has been loaded again after protein synthesis has begun,that this did not inhibit the muscle from doing cardio on of days wont do any harm in fact it will help burn fat and clean the lactic acid out of the muscles like a metabolic set.even...
  5. F

    Question on intensity

    i agree with dan there..i go to faliure at the end of every 2nd week thats 3 times in 6 weeks i dont think that will do any harm..and if you want new rep maxes why not :confused: :D
  6. F

    using same weight for 2 days?

    i agree about the form mate..thought you just put that weight in for an example for lateral raises you cant use a lot of weight..good luck :D
  7. F

    maximize glycogen for arm size

    well its not exactly a drop set ...a drop set you keep dropping the weight ..metabolic set you only drop once and rep out. :D
  8. F

    maximize glycogen for arm size

    a metabolic set, say your 5rep max for bb curls is 40k your 15rep max is 25k you do 1set of 5 40k 1set of 5 40k then drop the bar and pick up the 25k bar and rep out untill you cant do any more :D
  9. F

    maximize glycogen for arm size

    if you want to do a drop set then just drop the weight..i personaly dont do arm isos in the 5s..i do all compounds 3sets but when i get to the post 5s i do 2sets of compounds with a metabolic set :)
  10. F

    hst has jacked my appetite, is this normal

    just eat more each dont have to eat more often. :)
  11. F

    maximize glycogen for arm size

    not really because cgbp is easier than skulls with the same weight :D
  12. F

    using same weight for 2 days?

    yes thats fine it stops zigzaging(or helps) but i would use a bit more weight if i was you
  13. F

    Question on intensity

    at the end of each 2wk cycle if your weight has increased that is your new max for that if your rep max for squats is 100k but on your last day you can manage 105k then do it and use that as your new cycle.. :) make a sheet like this. m w f m w f n.max 75 80 85...
  14. F

    Help with my new routine plz

    i would put sldl with the leg press and squats with the leg curls as squat and deadlifts together might get a bit difficult..but other than that it looks good. :D
  15. F

    Do compounds work?

    make sure you leave him a mince pie and a glass of sherry
  16. F

    Personal trainer

    There are quite a few officially recognised qualifications that will get you onto the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS), check out for details. The main players are YMCAfit, CYQ and OCR (qualifications offered by many different organisations) and Premier, I'd...
  17. F

    Where to go from here(long)?

    i think this would be a good idea if your mentaly tired less to do so you can concentrate on strength :D
  18. F

    Training log

    fausto can you not do leg ext or leg curls..i am going to have to drop squats as well ..went the gym this morning first day of 10s had 100k on the bar when i was coming up my outer quad felt like it was being torn about 10 inches down from my hip..this is the 2nd time it has happened as soon as...
  19. F

    Question for veteran lifters only (2 or more yrs)

    do you want a split routine or 3x a wk full body i do 3x a wk.... it depends on the equipment you have available but mostly compounds is best something like this m.w.f. squats db bench chins shoulder press shrugs skullcrushers seated curls :D
  20. F

    Training log

    your welcome :D i know what a pain in the arse it is to have back trouble