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  1. F

    Not reaching your reps

    hardcore try it like this here is the list. Squats 1 Decline Press 1 Dips 2 PullUps 2 B/b Rows 2 B/B Shrugs 2 Military Press 1 Rear Delt 1 Hammer Curl 1 Tricep Pushdown 1 Calf Raise. 1 just taken out two exercises that are already covered with other less time in the gym.
  2. F

    this or this

    15,15,10,10,5,5 this will allow bigger increments so more hypertrophy...but not a great difference :D
  3. F

    exercises order

    yes while you are doing squats it will give your arms time to recover. :D
  4. F

    exercises order

    Bi Curl/Skull Crusher put these last otherwise your arms will be to fatigued to do any pressin or pulling movements.
  5. F

    Second injury

    tough luck mate just do what you can along with some cardio and watch your diet..good luck :D
  6. F

    Another newbie

    lol you are a quick learner thats called clustering mate :D
  7. F

    HST for youngsters?

    lol i wouldnt let him do maxes as fausto says about 80%
  8. F

    HST for youngsters?

    personaly i think he would be better of with a sport like boxing,wrestling,gymnastics,etc..but if he is determined to do weights i would suggest some sort of circuit training with light weights.. :D
  9. F

    Squat form

    get some more flexibility in your back..but you could try putting a block under your heels this will stop you leaning forward.good luck :D
  10. F

    Another newbie

    doc instead of doing bench and dips together next time you go on a busy day ..get the bench done when it is available then straight after do a pulling exercise then do dips ..i try and do push pull all the way through my workout..but it is annoying when you cant get on the equipment you need
  11. F

    Another newbie

    i would not alternate exercises stick with the same ones all the way could drop some in the 5s like arm isos as the heavy compounds will work the arms anyway. the problem with doing to much alternating is it makes it to difficult to work out your maxes and routine.. you also lose...
  12. F

    problem bench

    never heard of anyone letting ther @$$ hang of the bench..if you want your chest higher than hips do incline bench.
  13. F

    How am I doing?

    if you have rotator cuff problems i wouldnt do bb bench i would do db bench :D
  14. F

    my next hst cycle

    nem you might be better starting with your 15 rep max to help out because you will be close to faliure most of the time,also it will make for a longer cycle.good luck :D
  15. F

    overloading with creatine

    i take 5gms a day all year round and dont take a break even though on the tub it recomends that you do but just read this on another forum and i was thinking maybe we should take a break what do you guys think. :confused: The body can only absorb so much creatine, dictated by the number of...
  16. F

    Starting 10s & Zig-Zagging

    lol you could also try this in your 10s lets say for squats your doing this..75,80,85,90,95,100, try this......90,90,95,95,100,100, goodluck :D
  17. F

    Best Compound Lifts

    squats deads bench chins dips millatary press :D
  18. F

    Frist week of 15's down - I'm loving this!

    rotlex if it gets to heavy in the 5s you could drop leg press-curls..and even the db curls,skullcrushers. dave you can do as many sets as you can handle just dont get carried away ;)
  19. F

    Bryan Routine

    he say 2sets per exercise so squat is 1 exercise leg press is four sets per day if on an am pm split...joe it doesnt really matter as long as you can handle it.
  20. F

    Short Cycle or Not?

    just do a 6wk cycle do a routine that uses the same type of weights you have at you only have a bar and bench at home just use a bar and bench in the gym you use now..make a routine around that maybe just basic compounds.