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  1. F

    1 Quick question to ppl who know about HIT

    louno if you want you only need 1set hst .. for strenght just do a compounds only cycle and use smaller increments like 2 or 4lbs good luck :D
  2. F

    Squat hurt lower back...

    sounds like poor must be rounding your back at the bottom of the squat try putting a couple of plates under your heals..or just squat to parrallel..good luck :D
  3. F

    hsit training

    nice one fausto :D
  4. F

    shoukder problem

    try and figure out which exercise caused you problems..and either stop them for a while or change bench press can cause rotator cuff problems..if you are doing this change to db press.
  5. F

    Did I blow my 1st HST cycle!

    1set 15s 2sets 10s 3sets 5s is the recomendation but if you have been training for a few years this might not be enough for you..i do same as above but 2sets on 15s..give the one above a go if its not enough do more if its to hard do less..good luck :D
  6. F

    hsit training

    just spotted this on DDBX America Level Offline Posts: 34 Natural Born Ironager HSIT Training « on: Today at 03:43:45 AM » -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The best pure hypertrophy routine is a hybrid HST that works much...
  7. F

    mmm.... What u think I should do?

    why not do am workout mon, pm workout tue, and so on :D
  8. F

    Training log

    fausto i have the same back problem as you for i dont do them i do hyperextentions instead..i lie across two benches while my freind sits on my ankles hold a db to my chest and raise my upperbody..i found this good for my core strengh maybe in a couple of cycles i will try...
  9. F

    12 months of HST

    jester the problem with using power and olympic lifters as examples is they are mostly on gear..good luck with your training :D
  10. F

    repping out on the 15s

    did my first week of 15s then got flu... so starting back with 15s but doing everyday for 5 days then doing 2wks of 10s and 3wks of for 9 days at christmas..still going to rep out in the 5s and 1st wk of 10s :D
  11. F

    New to HST, hows my routine?

    sorry for the late reply sun-tzu for instance chest is done on monday protein synthesis(growth) last for 36 hours then stops,so for the next 5 days the chest gets no the more you train your chest the more growth you will get.
  12. F

    whey question

    after mixing whey or any protein shake with water ,when do you have to drink it is there a time limit before it degrades
  13. F

    Please clear this up...

    2wks15s 2wks10s 2wks5s 2wks negs or carry on with 5s finish on fri sd start back a wk on mon 8wks training 9days sd good luck :D
  14. F

    New to HST, hows my routine?

    sun-tzu the more often you train the better The reason HST calls for more frequent training is because the acute anabolic effects of training, such as increased protein synthesis, muscle-specific IGF-1 expression, and other factors involved in modulation of short term protein synthesis, only...
  15. F

    yet another 1st HST cycle

    you wont get much load with db flyes
  16. F

    Training log

    i might try something like that next the moment just doing the vanilla 3x..repping out on 15s and dropping isos in the 5s..let us know how you go on. :)
  17. F

    New to HST, hows my routine?

    ahrnold i do a 3x a wk workout..just pointing out that it is possible to do 5,as long as you adjust the volume ..good luck :D
  18. F

    what should i drop or change in my routine?

    i would say colby got it right with this Deadlift Squat Incline bench press Incline cable crossover Dips Lat Pulldowns or Chins Shoulder Press Calf raises Abs the only thing i would change is rear laterals for shoulder press simply because all the chest exercises work front delts and you have...
  19. F

    Training log

    looks good are you doing isos on alternate days, ie, tu,th,sat.
  20. F

    Cardio during SD

    its not recomended but light cardio ie walking on a gradient would be ok.