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  1. F

    yet another 1st HST cycle

    pullovers are more of a lat hardrock says declines are good..for dips you could hold a db between your legs or use an ordinary weights belt with a chain on good luck :D
  2. F

    New to HST, hows my routine?

    no this was the routine he wanted to do and he could do this 5x a week no problem..i think you may have misread his original thread. HST routine Chest BB Bench press (bit of incline) 40 45 50 55 60 65 Back BB Rows 30 32.5 35 37.5 40 42.5 Quads DB Squats 12.5 15...
  3. F

    Compound Only Routine + Some Questions

    routine looks periods depend on you as long as you have recovered do the next set...normaly take longer rests in 5s because the weight is heavier..i do cardio after weights.but before i do cardio i take a glucose drink..and dont forget pre and post shakes i put some glucose in those...
  4. F

    Temporary pre and post workout drink

    get some whey protein and mix in some glucose pre and post workout..good luck with the hst let us know how you go on :D
  5. F

    best mass building for arms

    why not just cut isos out when you get to the 5s,use your ten and five rep range in the 15s and 10s then drop them altogether in the 5s..thats what i am doing ,i am only on the 15s at the moment let you know how it goes. :D
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    It Never Fails....

    keep up the good work mate :D
  7. F

    My first HST routine

    colby that would be cable pushdowns not pulldowns :)
  8. F

    Think this is enough...too much?

    i drop arm isos when i get to the makes the workout shorter..and i think they get a good workout from the compounds.. :D
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    I Got Sick Mid-Cycle, NEED HELP!

    as fausto said if its flu dont train,take a week of and start back at the beggining of the tens :D
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    New to HST, hows my routine?

    ahrnold you just lower the instead of doing,3sets in 2 workouts you do 1set in 6 workouts so you are staying anabolic for longer :D
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    nothing coming up try typing it in :D
  12. F

    Results after 2nd cycle

    definetly an improvement..more bulk..try smiling keep up the hard work :D
  13. F

    New to HST, hows my routine?

    Carbohydrates High intensity exercise places great demand on glycogen stores. Glycogen is the sugar stored in the liver and muscles. Because high intensity exercise burns energy at such a high rate, the body is unable to supply sufficient oxygen to be able to use fat for fuel. Instead, it must...
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    New to HST, hows my routine?

    ahrnold if you read the articles and faqs you will see that it is possible to train every day. The reason HST calls for more frequent training is because the acute anabolic effects of training, such as increased protein synthesis, muscle-specific IGF-1 expression, and other factors involved in...
  15. F

    Some Questions About HST

    max out on the last day of each 2wk phase ie 15s mon wed fri mon wed fri..max out 10s mon wed fri mon wed fri..max out..and so on...good luck :D
  16. F

    Some Questions About HST

    2wks 15s 2wks 10s 2wks 5s 2wks 5s or negs sd start again 8wks training sd 9 to 14 days
  17. F

    New to HST, hows my routine?

    i have to dissagree with ahrnold here ... training more than an hour is detrimental if you dont take some protein or glucose in that hour...between 45mins and an hour in the gym cortisol is released and this uses muscle as energy..also a lot of the guys on here do 5x a wk workouts..and if you...
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    Genetic Potential

    lol at least 20 guys said they were bigger than predicted
  19. F

    My HST Routine

    imo flat bench causes more trouble for rotator cuff than incline db does..dont have the incline to high..put it on the first notch :D
  20. F

    Help me make my 8 rep range work...

    15s are not there for growth although some do make gains in the 15s..they are to to help when you get to the heavy weights...i also think after doing the 15s the 10s and 5s are easier :D if you want to do just 10s and 5s thats ok..asre you only douing a 6wk cycle.