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  1. F

    Modifying my routine

    try putting squats at the end of your routine if they are tyring you out..or on 2nd wk of 15s just do 1set..but as fausto said put it back on the 10s..good luck :D
  2. F

    Genetic Potential

    i put the calculator on a uk natural bbng forum..and asked all the competing guys to try it..the good news is most of them were bigger than they were predicted to be so i think the calculator just gives you a general idea :D
  3. F

    repping out on the 15s

    ok did 20 on 1st set of nearly everything today 2nd set could only manage the 15 which was about right..think i might do this till the 2nd wk of tens then just do the tens...also did bb curls and ez bar skullcrushers using 10 rep going to increase the weight every session and drop the...
  4. F

    newbe questions

    when you have taken 9 or more days sd even in the light weights 15s it will be quite hard one set might be enough but as you have a few years behind you i would start on 2for 15s and 10s and 3 for 5s..dont go to faliure good luck :D
  5. F

    repping out on the 15s

    started on 15s yesterday..14 days sd..started repping out not to faliure..i do 2sets on 15s. first set on every exercise i did about 18 reps and only did the 15 on 2nd set i didnt want to overdo it on first day back (glad i didnt got bad doms today) using the same weight tommorrow so might try...
  6. F

    Hypertrophy and RBE responses

    at the moment i use the same weight avoid zigzaging...i was thinking of using it 3 times to make a cycle longer but how do you know when rbe sets in...
  7. F

    Question on Hammer Curls

    none taken mate :D i use ez bar curls myself only in the 15s and 10s when i get into the 5s i drop bis and tris altogether..on jv and dkm advice...if i was going to use curls in the 5s i would use seated inclines but use my 10 rep max purely for the the compounds would give enough...
  8. F

    Full (deep) squats or Parallel squats

    fausto try dropping squats for your next cycle..try leg press for a while..and when you go back to them just go down to parrallel..
  9. F

    testing reps

    in short no..good luck make sure you sd after :D
  10. F

    Full (deep) squats or Parallel squats

    your welcome fausto :D ..i used to do full squats but allways had back problems..since i have changed to parrallel(i use a bench as measurement) no problems :D
  11. F

    Full (deep) squats or Parallel squats

    The BNBF Squatting Experiment: Does squatting involve the same amount of muscular activation as leg press or hack squatting? In order to establish the most effective resistance exercise for quadricep development the BNBF sanctioned a scientific investigation...
  12. F

    DBs for those with long limbs?

    i rest the db on my knees and when i sit back throw my knees up to my chest then take the weight with my arms..but eventually i think i will have to invest in some hooks...for the original question i prefer db bench its improved my pecs over bb bench..but for squats bb are the best :D
  13. F

    Question on Hammer Curls

    do iot all the way up but seated on an incline.. better stretch :D
  14. F

    My first HST routine..

    1)do arms last 2) yes as long as you can handle it 3)leg curls.for hams.. 4)do your 15 rm mon..10rm wed..5rm fri..start back training a week on monday 9 days sd..good luck :D
  15. F

    Why do I feel like this on 2nd day following HST

    drop weights to 2x a week..and add some more cardio to get your fitness levels up..say 3x a week cardio..also get your t levels checked..if their low there is plenty of suppliments available over the counter..good luck :D
  16. F

    New in HST.. please review routine

    that looks a lot better...only drop isos if you want to, or when you get to the 5s and its taking to long in the gym..remember most of the compounds will take care of the arms when you get to the heavy weights..good luck :D
  17. F

    Normal to feel wiped out...

    have a banana.. or put some glucose in your pre workout shake :D
  18. F

    First week of HST...question

    just dont confuse doms with fatigue :D
  19. F

    Introducing myself (Long)

    agree with hardrock..hst is better on the body for us older guys..and in the long run for the younger who have had the sense to use hst :D
  20. F

    Good Form on Skullcrushers

    nice to see you on here keith :D