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  1. Sci

    Back to Basics

    I recommend RDLs, great on the posterior chain, lower back and hans without going too deep and risking damage
  2. Sci

    2016 Log

    Hulk smash deadlifts!
  3. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    HST Im past the noob neural-learning part of new training, time to move some real iron! •split squat: 95 @2x10 •Romanian deadlift: ramp to 285x5 •iso-lateral Pulldown: 180 @2x8 •iso-lateral Decline Bench: 180 @2x8 This next part: shoulder workout is critical. The best of the best of shoulder...
  4. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Going down to 180 lbs. so about 10 weeks to go @ 2100 calories per day (net)
  5. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    1.5 pounds per week
  6. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Im going to keep cutting fat. I dont enjoy having muscle if i cant even see it. Thanks for all the support
  7. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    In the past, though it sounds totally “wrong”, I’ve made good progress, just lifting and eating for maintenance, not even counting calories, but letting my body’s hormonal hunger instincts regulate my caloric intake... slowly adding muscle through resistance training without “bulking and...
  8. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    I agree with Mick rationally, but emotionally it is so tempting to restore my lean mass back,( from back in the day.) Either way, it is fun to be starting over from scratch with low muscle mass, it is only up from here!
  9. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    This is where i store the majority of my body fat
  10. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    The dreaded “skinny fat”. Should I get to 10% before tryingbto add lean mass? Improve partitioning ratio? Should I just stay at 15% and just go for muscle mass gains, and accept the flab? I look leaner than I a really am due to my tall height and slender bone structure... i am built like an...
  11. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

  12. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

  13. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Ugh. Cutting weight sucks. Im beginning to think that i will never be really lean and ripped. The first bit of weight comes off easy, but ive ever since i hit about 193, ive lacked the discipline to get any lower for weeks! Low energy, hunger... inhibited motivation. I am not at an unhealthy...
  14. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    I am just getting started and kind of feeling my way through exercise selection and loading parameters. I am currently cutting and when i’m done, I’m going to start a more official HST program
  15. Sci

    Browners New Powerlifting Log

    Pullups without bending at the elbows
  16. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Arm pump!
  17. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    HST •iso-lateral pulldowns 170x •iso-lateral Decline Bench 150x10 •iso-lateral row 170x •Barbell Press 80x10 •Incline DB Flyes 30sx12 •strict laterals: run the rack •split squats 85x12 •Romanian deadlifts 225x12 •s/l standing calf raise 70x12 •s/l seated calf raise 35x12
  18. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    HST •split squats 85x12 •Romanian deadlifts 225x12 •iso-lateral pulldowns 160x12 •iso-lateral Decline Bench 140x12 •iso-lateral row 160x12 •Barbell Press 70x12 •front raises 17.5x12 •Incline DB Flyes 30sx12 •s/l standing calf raise 70x12 •s/l seated calf raise 35x12 193 bodyweight
  19. Sci


    Wow, yet even more reasons to adhere to the HST pronciples of progressive loading cycles of 15s, 10s, 5s. The more I learn, the more I understand the principles and why “typical bodybuilding programs” of always heavy weights, or always training to failure, or always doing high volume are...
  20. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    The hammer strength iso lateral lat pulldown machine is awesome, but at $4,500, if I didn’t go to Gold’s Gym, i would probably stick with my chinup bar!!! Though i am glad i hit the gym, as the machine is superior for progressively loading the lats.