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  1. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Just two little girls. The oldest goes to kindergarten this year. My wife plans to look for work at that time.
  2. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Yeah, those are all good thoughts Totentanz. I appreciate your input as anyways. Unfortunately my wife gave up her career 6 years ago to be a stay-at-home mom. So my whole family is riding on my income. Luckily I'm a really good plumber, so I will probably pull in $60,000 this year. I am...
  3. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    I'm just going to go ahead and take an SD. 10 days off, then I'll restart another cycle. I only have 3 more days left to get a little deconditioned.
  4. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    I have been maintaining my size and strength doing a full body, low volume program once every 7 days! It's almost like some sort of extreme mike mentzer wirkout, doing one heavy intense set for each bodypart 1x/week. It's a crappy program for growth, but it's an incredibly efficient way to...
  5. Sci

    5x5 Recomp

    Looking pretty ripped. Pecs, traps and biceps all look highly developed.
  6. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Working LONG hours, I can't say I like it. It sucks actually, don't ever become a plumber, unless you are a workaholic, then you'll love it!
  7. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Well, those guys are either HUGE, or they are ELITE bench pressers for their size (one guy is about 170 lb.s and he can bench 315!), or they are HUGE AND ELITE, ( one guy is a gorilla size, and can bench 500 raw!, but he's a genetic freak for sure.
  8. Sci

    Protein shakes mixed w/milk or water - which tastes better?

    I practically live on Muscletech whey protein plus. Been drinking it with milk almost daily for about a year now. It's got Creatine already mixed in, great quality and great taste.
  9. Sci

    Weights, cardio and stuff log

    I know I have said it before, but your rowing strength is insane. You could probably do some amateur strongman or powerlifting competitions, if you wanted.
  10. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    There are quite a few guys at my gym that can bench 315+ (big commercial gym). So until I get in that club, I feel like a small-fry, but thanks for the compliment.
  11. Sci

    Injury prevention / Lifting as we get older

    Stretch daily. Warmup thoroughly. Use strict form. Get proper rest and nutrition. If you can do all that, you will prevent as much injury as possible. I am lazy to stretch frequently, but it's super-important. I injured my lower back pretty badly once and it was directly caused by tight...
  12. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    On call, 7 days off. Bench Press: 245x5 (previous PR) Cable Row: 205x6 Pulldown: 220x7 Seated Press: 145x6 DeadLift: 345x4 Leg Press: 540x8 (previous PR) Calf Raise: 360x10 PR! Crazy lifting song of the day... "Killin it"
  13. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Bad cough, haven't been sleeping, it's almost over though. Today was extreme low volume, just to get a quick brain and muscle stimulus. Cable Row: 205x8 Pulldown: 210x10 Incline Bench: 185x8 Leg Press: 540x8 Calf Raise: 340x10 Total body workout... 20 minutes total.
  14. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Muscles in entire body feel like stiff steel cables, not really much DOMS since it was low volume, but a dull ache deep in the muscle fiber from the intense tension that was induced yesterday.
  15. Sci

    great rotator cuff links

    After large amounts of rotator and scapular work, my right shoulder is almost "normal". So now that I am no longer rehabbing, but instead just training for balance, I find that strict cable rows focusing on the shoulder blades, and strict overhead presses are keeping my shoulders both strong...
  16. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Cold/cough is getting better. 1hour fullbody high intensity, low volume training. (Warmup sets and drop sets not listed). (Maintenance) Cable Row: 205x7 Bench Press: 245x3 Pulldown: 220x7 Seated Press: 145x5 DeadLift: 335x6 Leg Press: 540x8 Calf Raise: 340x10 PR Got a huge hormone boost from...
  17. Sci

    adpowah's training logs

    I like your extremely organized programming, with the charts and such. You should be fine just following the principles and program around those, that what most of us do anyway.
  18. Sci

    Normo's log...let's do this!!!

    good luck, looks like a solid program.
  19. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Day started out bad, really bad cough, more work stress... But I handled it well and doing good. It's really hard to take a "selfie" of the back and shoulders... But here it is. Deltoids getting more chiseled, back has gotten a little wider, but I will never change my genetics, so I am pleased...
  20. Sci

    Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

    You are a human forklift! Incredible deadlifting.