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  1. C

    nutting out frequency

    It's killer already, and I haven't even begun the AM/PM split! Perhaps that is because I just came off a 17 day SD. And to the original poster.. up your frequency of compounds to at least 3x/week if you can.
  2. C

    tricep exercise choice

    I was just saying that CGBP isn't much of a compound exercise such as dips or bench press are. CGBP didn't do much for me, and neither do skulls... it really lies with the big compound exercises. If I were to add an iso, it would be skulls. I am actually doing these on my iso days for this...
  3. C

    nutting out frequency

    Rob, Well, I increased the frequency of my compounds from 3x/week to 3x/week with the AM/PM split giving me the advantage of increased amount of exercises. Ex: leg press in the morning, squats in the evening. I am picking up Fausto's idea of doing the isolations on off days such as Tuesdays and...
  4. C


    Yeah the protein is the key part after the WO, but as Totentanz pointed out, it would most likely lead to you puking everywhere when running.
  5. C

    Determining 15RM

    If you did 12 reps, than make it 70 lbs... if you did 17 reps, make it 90 lbs... it's more of a rough estimate which is why actually testing your RM's is so much better.
  6. C

    tricep exercise choice

    Skullcrushers have more stretch. CGBP really isn't much of a compound exercise. Dips and Bench Press are the compound exercises that hit the triceps. You will also get a little bit of work out of the tris from deadlifts and chins.
  7. C

    Define high frequency

    There should be more calories burnt in the 6x fullbody training. High frequency training is defined as anything more than 3x/week full body training around these forums.
  8. C

    How much "overlap" between weights is generally ok

    If you zig-zag.. and in that instance, you don't progress for those two WOs, however you are progressing in that rep range... it shouldn't matter since it is only for two WOs... zig-zagging isn't much of a problem.
  9. C


    True, but you should give your body a refeed before you did the cardio since it would be in catabolism.
  10. C

    nutting out frequency

    I think I should be good to go with it. I mentioned the 8x/wk cycle a few weeks ago. I plan on doing MWF compounds AM/PM split with isolations on tuesdays and thursdays, weekends are rest. I'm 20 years old, so my threshold of handling fatigue is pretty decent I suppose. I was going to just bulk...
  11. C


    I'm not an advanced bodybuilder and I am unfamiliar with the term neophyte (how does that relate to mesomorph, ecto/endomorph?) There are however many advanced bodybuilders around this forum that are big and old too that use HST with success, so hopefully one of them drops by this thread.
  12. C

    A New and Unique Training Method is Here

    Aaron? Haha.. Today was my first day of my 3rd cycle, and since it was the first day of 15's, I figured this would be a good day to try ACIT since the weights were lower. I can say with confidence that it dynamically changed my WO, how I felt, and the extra work I put in. I tried it for SLDL's...
  13. C


    Well, you really shouldn't do it right after your WO at all. You can probably do 15 minutes of cardio before, but I wouldn't suggest any more than that. It's best to do cardio on off days or several hours away from your WO.
  14. C

    nutting out frequency

    Yeah, I just started my 8x/wk cycle today, and I plan on eating around maintenance for the 15's and 10's and then bulking for 5's and post-5's... I expect some decent results.
  15. C


    Good call ChrisHouston, Lance's reply wasn't meant to sound arrogant, but they are not facts about weight training. Some of HST's theoretical principals such as progressive loading and frequent full body training are facts that have been proved by many studies and thousands of testimonials...
  16. C

    My Exercises

    Is a dip belt different than a weight belt that you would use for squats? I want to start doing my dips and chins free weight soon now that I built up my strength.
  17. C

    nutting out frequency

    frequent full body training is where it's at
  18. C

    HST and Fat loss

    You can lose fat on HST while preserving (or even adding some muscle.) You follow the HST principals as outlined in the articles and FAQ's. Find out your caloric maintenance (say for example it is 3,000 calories.) Lift 3x/week while doing some cardio on the off days. Eat at or a little bit below...
  19. C

    How Long Do You Train?

    My last cycle (3x/wk), the WO would last about 45-55 minutes until I got to the 5's where it would take me 65-70 minutes. I am now going to 8x/wk with an AM/PM split and compound/isolation split where the WO should last 20-30 minutes.
  20. C

    need suggestions

    Throw in deadlifts, but alternate them every other day with the squats. I'm not sure how you feel about your calfs, but I would throw some raises in there. EDIT; haha thanks JV