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  1. C


    Echo what Bob and Totentanz said... on two of my first three cycles, I couldn't push out 15 reps and that is with a 2-3 week SD... so it will come, just go with it.
  2. C

    Current eating diet

    That is probably around 130 grams of protein or so which is a good amount... it may be more due to (milk?), breads, how much meat, etc.. It doesn't seem like much food though, but as you pointed out he is losing weight and not muscle thus cutting. Fast food can be bad and good... it can be...
  3. C

    "Get Big Exercise"

    That's the entire point of HST... You have mesocycles or phases where you have lighter weights that are good for aerobics and your joints coming off SD, and then the heavy low-rep weights in the 5's and negatives. If you are around 20%, I wouldn't be bulking... cut for a while using HST, and...
  4. C

    Leg Press

    I don't take the weight all the way down where my knees are only a few inches or less from my chest... I take it down to a foot away... is the extra ROM that much of a benefit that I should change my form and RM's for the next cycle, or could I get the same amount of hypertrophy with a...
  5. C

    5X/wk cycles

    edit: dualie post
  6. C

    5X/wk cycles

    I go 8x/week (MWF AM/PM compounds) and (TR isolations).. so it is pretty much fullbody every WO (the iso days are not as much obviously) Pretty much... some people will throw in some isolations or do what you said and do dips and bench. I do dips in the AM, and bench in the PM. AS MANY AS I...
  7. C

    I love this workout

    or use the extra time and do an AM/PM split!!
  8. C

    Second HST Cycle - 3x2 a week

    I don't see any reason not to do the 15's. IMO, the longer the cycle the better! The exercise selection looks great, and as long as you keep up with the AM/PM split schedule, you'll be good to go. People look at you like you're obsessed with lifting (I go 8x/week, I know!) As far as doing...
  9. C


    Thanks. The pain seems to be finally gone as of today (it's been a week since I quit them.)
  10. C

    So what do you think of this?

    5's one day 15's the next? That sounds weird..
  11. C

    Since I am skipping SD.....

    You still want to have progressive load, so you should treat it like a normal cycle, but change up your caloric intake and sac the SD. -Colby
  12. C

    Rest time between sets/execises

    I used to track rest time between sets, but I don't even do it anymore. As Fausto said, I listen to my body, and when I feel I am ready I go ahead and do it.
  13. C

    Please Help a Newbie

    You're right buddy... but that's the point of HST - progressive load. Anything higher than 15 reps will be too aerobic. Some people do cluster training from 20 reps onward, but we can save that discussion for another day. Check out the FAQ's forum and a lot of your questions will be answered...
  14. C

    Workout routine

    It looks pretty good although I would try throwing in deadlifts on your leg press day. -Colby
  15. C

    Hyperthophy in Lower Arm

    Compounds Chins Deadlifts Isolations Wrist Curls Reverse Curls (pulling your wrist back at the end of movement) -Colby
  16. C

    What to do with plateau???

    SD cures plateaus
  17. C

    What FREQUENCY do you train?

    I am doing 8x/week: MWF Compounds AM/PM split TR Isolations weekends are for rest I am currently cutting so this method is just perfect although I am only going 6 times this week... haha only.. -Colby
  18. C

    New to the game

    I don't know what the Weider 4100 system is, so I can't answer your question. If it pertains to increments, then do larger increments. Example for 6 WO's of a given RM and exercise: 60 60 70 70 80 80 -Colby
  19. C

    Customizing HST

    I just don't understand how you can lose that much fat and not lose muscle. The only way for me to truely understand is to experiment with 912 myself.
  20. C


    It was too much pain to bare, so I officially quit doing them this morning. I will be substituting with hyperextensions for the rest of this cycle. Maybe I am doing the form wrong, but I have tried doing the exercise various ways (bent, stiff/straight, full ROM, half ROM, etc) and I still have...