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  1. C

    Should I COntinue with MY HST TRAINING?

    Yeah, good call with the others. I mean, if you are gaining mass then what is the problem, just extend it till it is done, and then cut. Hmm, if only I could gain strength in my shoulders. I didn't really care about them until 8 months ago, and it's weird to see guys my size or smaller than me...
  2. C

    Should I COntinue with MY HST TRAINING?

    Yeah I will echo what Spyke said. If you want hypertrophy, then go with a cycle that is more along with the design of the vanilla routine. Go ahead and stop, SD for one or two weeks, and start up with a cycle that has two weeks of 15's, 10's, 5's, and negs each making it an 8 week cycle. -Colby
  3. C

    3 weeks of extra rest - What to do?

    Cut, try higher frequency, and do 5's and negs.
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    HST & Cardio

    I would still recommend a warmup on the treadmill or something.. just enough to break a sweat. Hell, my warmup is nearly a mile run to the gym. CC, I don't have any resources oh HIIT, it's really up to you... when I did it more in the summer, I would do a minute going 6mph, the next minute 6.5...
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    1 short of faliure reps

    yeah but I couldn't do 5 sets of an exercise even if it was day 1 since I am doing 70% of my RM the idea of overtraining is vague, but it doesn't really have to do with volume all the time if you can lift without hitting failure then by all means do an extra set or extra reps it isn't called...
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    changing form to increase hypertrophy

    there's not much proof on this - check the acit thread
  7. C

    training day issues

    Do the best you can do with time constraints and gym traffic. Like you, I am a college student and the gym is more crowded in the evenings. It is January - the worst month to goto a gym anywhere let alone a college. Sometimes, I wait 20 minutes to get in my gym, but I do it anyways cause I care...
  8. C

    Can someone talk about 2xday HST??

    I need to take off 11 lbs of fat, and I am doing 8x/week - my 3rd cycle I really don't do any cardio except for the times I run to and from the gym which is actually 2 miles round trip. With the high frequency training and my daily activities, I burn up to 4,000 calories a day, so there isn't a...
  9. C

    1 short of faliure reps

    Faz, It's what I do. That is why myself and a few others around here always answer the questions about volume the same way - do as much as you can without hitting failure. Typically it works out for me that I do 2-3 sets during the 1st week of a rep phase and 1-2 sets during the 2nd week. -Colby
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    How to construct super effektiv workouts

    M@x, Looks fine although I don't see any reason to change your abs exercise every week. For lowerbody, are you doing multiple deadlift and squat exercises? Deads and squats in the same day can be brutal. -Colby P.S. I posted a reply in the Customizing HST thread about 912 for you to reply.
  11. C

    Varying REP ranges 18,15,12,10,7,5

    They may be easier, but that way you can handle more volume in the 1st week. Six different rep phases gives you linear progression, and it's just fine, but it's more RM's that you need to test for. You'll have larger increments for 15-10-5 anyways. -Colby
  12. C

    The next HST cycle

    Yes, you can do wide grip overhand and it will still hit your bi's. What I do is that I also do a set of close grip that will hit your biceps big time. Yes, but you also have the extensions in there (whether they be pushdowns or skulls.) It looks like a good WO now. My first cycle was a...
  13. C

    Maintaining Caloric Intake

    Omega_man, I checked out your spreadsheet. Not bad, although the MROUND function didn't work for my version of Excel. I used the ROUND function, so there would be numbers that didn't end in 5 or 0. I liked the idea of including warm-ups in there. I may have to alter my spreadsheet. -Colby
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    Jake, I will take your advice and go up another notch on the Smith machine. I also read more about the exercise at EXRX, and I should be warming up a lot more for them.
  15. C

    The next HST cycle

    Most likely that is what you should do. Exercise selection - "less is more" Take out the lat raises Volume: Do as much as you can, but since you have a lot of exercises, keep in mind you don't want to over work your muscles on dips to the point you can't do bench press. You're young...
  16. C


    So far I have officially lost .5 lbs of muscle and 1 lb of fat. Although I don't believe I lost that much muscle. I think it is how I took my bodyfat measurements in the fall. As long as the bf% keeps on going down, and I see the results in the mirror, I will be happy. As far as BMR goes... I...
  17. C

    loosing interest

    Go two weeks with the SD. If you don't want to start back up, then keep going with your SD. Once you get back into it, I am sure you will have missed it.
  18. C


    Fausto, I am with you on your battle of the bulge. I got to thinking the other idea. Bulking cycles shouldn't make you feel fat. I figure if I can get down to 8%, then a bulking cycle would put me up to 10%. This way, I would always be nice and slim around the mid-section. Dropping the...
  19. C

    cutting while getting enough protein

    Depends on where he gets the protein from. If you need to bring in that many calories in order to get that much protein then either: a) increase lifting frequency b) do cardio c) turn into the incredible hulk I'm sure option C may not work for you. -Colby