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  1. C

    important question

    I was talking about this topic with my family the other day. Weight lifting stunting your growth must be a myth. Professional athletes who have been lifting for years when they were young are tall and jacked as hell.
  2. C

    Alternating workouts

    Nueral learning = adaptation to the exercise.. simply put if you didn't do bench press for a year (like myself), the load that you would be able to lift wouldn't be as high as you thought until you got back into the swing of things with the exercise, but then again if you have done similar...
  3. C

    A New and Unique Training Method is Here

    Okay, that's what I figured. It sounds like it makes sense and would be a useful optimization tool for once gains started to have diminishing returns. Good job Ron.
  4. C

    A New and Unique Training Method is Here

    Okay, so occlusion is pretty much preventing the lactic acid leaking out of your muscles and back into the bloodstream. And more or less ACIT is just another way to alter and optimize how you lift the weights no matter what your training program is. I finally read the website, so sorry to...
  5. C

    Eating at maintenance, then upping cals

    I still believe you can gain muscle while cutting with the amount inverserly proportional to your BF%.
  6. C

    Quick Question

    I would focus on lowering the carbs. You want to have the fat in your diet - especially the good fats which contain EFA's... and I just realized I echoed JV's comments.
  7. C

    My Exercises

    sure, dips are quality.. if the overall volume is too much, dump the leg curls and the rest of the isos
  8. C

    Am I really to start with such light weights?

    It's called zig-zagging, there's not too much you can do about it, and it hasn't been shown to hinder hypertrophy since the drop in load only lasts for a couple WO's at most. As for the starting weights - stick to starting around 70% of your RM. EX: 70 80 90 90 100 100 - you progress...
  9. C

    Eating at maintenance, then upping cals

    Well, it depends on your goals. I did it the past cycle and managed to gain 12 lbs. Fausto did it - gained weight and got cut at the same time. It's probably not a bad idea for people who have bf% in the 10-15 range.
  10. C

    My Exercises

    Besides adding dips, it looks good.
  11. C

    Johnston Rep Method

    That comment will make me quit reading this thread.
  12. C

    Noob Looking for Advice

    Overtraining Eh, it's such a small muscle, you don't need all that work from iso's. Leave it to the compounds and then a couple sets to one iso exercise.
  13. C

    can i do this

    Yeah - you would be sacrificing frequency which is why we are here.
  14. C

    First time HST'er with some Questions.

    Well, doing the AM/PM split for your first cycle is no problem as long as you understand the HST principals, keep your volume in check, and eat a bit more. I didn't notice you were also doing normal deadlifts. Just throw out the leg curls and SLDL all together. Also, I would take out the seated...
  15. C

    HST theory

    Yeah, that's the case for a lot of the general public throughout the world. Reading into a new topic where the articles are long and you have to form your own understandings about everything is undesirable. Most people around here follow the basic laid out program and change it there on...
  16. C

    A New and Unique Training Method is Here

    The basis being to prevent injuries? I still have to read this ACIT website. Maybe, I should quit commenting on this thread until I read it.
  17. C

    A New and Unique Training Method is Here

    2nd what Bryan said.. Mike, I remember you dubbed your HST program for the summer SURF or something... some acronym.. how did that workout for you?
  18. C

    A New and Unique Training Method is Here

    Sounds like pulsing and static holds.. HST customization Work per time, or power persay... would that also mean doing fast reps rather than slower ones? ..sounds like some Pete Sisco stuff. Maybe I oversimplified what I just read - still haven't looked through that ACIT website just yet. -Colby
  19. C

    Noob Looking for Advice

    Welcome to the HST Forums! Xahrx would be best to comment on those, but the only things that seem useful to me are the protein, creatine, vitamins, and ALA. You have a lot of different exercises... stick to something more simple like this: Dumbell Hammer Curl Seated Row (2sets Horiz grip/...