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  1. B

    beans with alternatives other than rice and pasta?

    weak. weak. weak. this study, designed in response to Campell study's results, claims that there is no reportable difference in hypertrophy response with LOV or omnivorous diets. well, according to their results, fine that's true... when there is no hypertrophy. they keep claiming that the...
  2. B

    Good fast foods ?

    Well, let's take a look at the list of ingredients - hmm... their 'wheat bread' is made mostly of (unbleached, enriched) refined flour, which is one of the many ways to avoid saying "white flour," and there is more water than actual whole wheat flour. this is quite common in bread...
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    It will Kill you, creatine that is!

    just to clarify, it sounds like the serum creatine kinase level (given in IU/l) was measured by blood test. As such, these results are plausible.
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    Partitioning of calories among fat, carbs, etc.?

    Perhaps that's due to the 10% drop in consumption. :D
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    Partitioning of calories among fat, carbs, etc.?

    your question covers a lot of territory. sometimes a calorie is a calorie, but macronutrient composition does have its effects. what is the focus of your inquiry - hypertrophy, general health, imperfect adherence to diet...? -bug
  6. B

    Protecting muscle while dieting?

    i haven't been doing so lately, but i used to always wear a HR monitor during training. based on that feedback alone, there is definitely potential for cardiovascular benefits even during anaerobic workouts, especially with the compound movements or with isolation exercises on the largest...
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    Protecting muscle while dieting?

    The full text can be found at . Your impression is correct. The focus of the study was "cases of extreme clinical obesity." Mean total body weight was 200+ lbs (~95kg) with fat% in the mid-forties. Very-low-calorie diets (800kcal/day or less)...
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    beans with alternatives other than rice and pasta?

    I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but this article may actually dispell my concern (ut supra) about source of protein. I'll add comment if I find anything interesting. study: "Effect of protein source on resistive-training-induced changes in body composition and muscle size in older...
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    beans with alternatives other than rice and pasta?

    Jake, I appreciate your concern about no declared attention to ensure the consumption of complete proteins. There was mention of professional guidance, but the clearly stated goal was stringent adherence to the LOV diet. Nonetheless, I would not be so quick to write it off on this basis...
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    beans with alternatives other than rice and pasta?

    Jake, I appreciate your concern about no declared attention to ensuring the consumption of complete proteins. There was mention of professional guidance, but the clearly stated goal was stringent adherence to the LOV diet. Nonetheless, I would not be so quick to write it off on this basis...
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    Protecting muscle while dieting?

    Based on this study of combining very-low-calorie diet plus either resistance training (1 hr * 4d/wk) or resistance training (3d/wk), clearly the way to lose fat and maintain muscle is through resistance training. The final numbers are amazing. I pulled some detailed results from the full...
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    beans with alternatives other than rice and pasta?

    ...theoretically true, but the results of this study surprised me. -bug
  13. B

    Good fast foods ?

    "We know that whole grains are better than refined grains because of fiber, vitamins, and minerals," says researcher Joanne Slavin of the University of Minnesota. Now she and others are beginning to ask whether other things in whole grains-antioxidants, lignans, phenolic acids...
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    beans with alternatives other than rice and pasta?

    <!--QuoteBegin-- +May 4 2004,4:24--><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Quote ( @ May 4 2004,4:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">To make a...
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    Is brown rice and wild rice the same thing?

    ...that's good to know. i have been served a motley dish of brown rice at a restaurant with lots of white showing and was concerned that it really started as white rice and was modified in preparation. yet... aren't you referring to the endosperm (all that's left in refined white rice), not the...