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  1. I

    Could you be a pro?

    Yep, rekon most bbers start off skinny. Ive read a couple of articles about how 'I started bbing as a weakling and within a year id put on 5stone'. Its just how soon your prepared to go hardcore. Must be hard though coz a lot of my mates that take steroids, wont train propely when their between...
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    Flexing Between Sets

    Wouldnt recommend doin it in the gym, you might get jumped by a jellous gang of fat people!!
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    My first two weeks on HST and the nxt few

    Nice one guys, I know im being impatient, but I thought all bodybuilders were as insecure as me, isnt that why we all subject ourselves to such pain??
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    Flexing Between Sets

    They used to recommend it back in the day (if you watch pumpn iron or read an old gym book they rekon its great). Its was suppose to bring out striations etc, maybe alright to do, but your not gona put any extra weight on doing it and unless uv got no body fat you aint gona see any extra lines...
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    Music For Lifting

    Rocky music track!! If you cant train to eye of the tiger you cant train to nout
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    My first two weeks on HST and the nxt few

    Also, I do eat a lot of carbs with every meal (at least 6 a day) + i have carb drinks before and after workouts. I was putting on weight (maybe a bita fat) before HST, so I find it a bit strange that now I have gone from too much carbs, down through maintenance to depletion of carbs.
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    My first two weeks on HST and the nxt few

    Right, heres whats happened (and there are +s and -s)... Finished the 15s and had to split my routine in two and change it to four days as it was alot to do (at the end of the 15s). The change in my stomach has been amazing, I havnt measured anything, but you could barely see my abs a couple...
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    Could you be a pro?

    Nahh I rekon genetics only makes a difference between the top Pros, the eg that most people could see would be Ronnie and Gunter, (Gunter having the more boxy shape, compared to they smaller waist and bigger shoulders and therefore better V-shape of Ronnie). For genetics to play a major part in...
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    Could you be a pro?

    As far as what the pros take, take a look at, go on the search engine and time in 'under cover'. Get on the 'pro under cover articles', its very interesting. Its supposed to be one of the actual pros giving you all the inside info (not sure how real it is but) its great. Covers...
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    My Weight

    Hope im not avn a period or something. Just worked it out iv been buyin products of the HRT website. Easy mistake to make
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    My Weight

    I drink litres a day, I literally go the bathroom two mins later and get rid of it tho(soz for the details) and my mouths still dry. I rekon im dieing, nice knowing you guys
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    Regular Eating

    When you think about it why should I have to eat so many calories in 24hrs, my body doesnt reset every 24hrs. I dont mean three hours as a 'holy grail' its just a number indicating a well spread diet. Weve all heard the ideas.... every 3 hours or you can only digest so much in an hour. What...
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    My Weight

    Does anyone know any foods that are large duiretics??? Id go the Drs butit takes a week for an appointment and whenever I go iv recovered and look like a fool
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    Regular Eating

    I find it hard to eat at the required three hours periods everyday. What I want to know is does it matter if I dont eat as much midday and then in the evening I am eating every hour? (I seem to be constantly hungry around this time). Also as iv just finished uni, im avn a while off before I...
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    Could you be a pro?

    Gota be one off the most frustrating sports/hobbies to be involved in tho. I mean theres so many variables to take into account. Ud need unbelieveable determination and commitment to be a pro!
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    My Weight

    Feel dehydrated today too, and id lost weight when i weighed myself yesterday. Any idea whats making me dehydtrated all the time, Im natural and dont drink much???
  17. I

    HST and Boxing and arms

    The neck thing is to make sure you dont cheat when doing biceps. Think they used to use them back in the day but you dont see them about much now. I would say that unless ur a pro trying to perfect a problem in your near perfectly formed biceps its not that useful. Often cheat curls (ie doing...
  18. I

    My Weight

    Recently, my weights been varying unbelievably, so I don't know how il be able to judge my results from HST. I know your not meant to weigh yourself too often because of normal fluctuations, but i rekon theres somethin wrong with me. My weight literally fluctuates in a 7lbs range daily. I dont...
  19. I

    Has my 1st week been a waste??

    Of course the stuff they publish in mags is true, you dont think theyd let em publish lies do ya  :D Do me a favour micro, throw one of ur days diet on here, just so I can compare (and dont cheat and addan extra 10meals to make me feel bad :D  )