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  1. N

    Johnston Rep Method

    Wow, I've shared HST with hundreds of people all over the world--mostly people I didn't even know until they emailed me. I'm proud to a black sheep in this pitiful age of litigation...
  2. N

    Johnston Rep Method

    Okay, I did a search on "Jreps," and I found out 3 things: 1) Johnston's followers are doing the same secretive selling technique on boards all over the world--I saw threads like this on boards in France and Germany, and in Asia boards, too. Seems that everyone that buys this guy's...
  3. N

    Johnston Rep Method

    Well, I suppose that is his right. But on the other hand, with that said, there's not much point for those guys to contiinue on with this discussion. If he doesn't want to tell us about his theory, he doesn't want to put forth the time and effort to discuss training with us, and he doesn't want...
  4. N

    Johnston Rep Method

    Yes, but I think acting as though you signed a Nondisclosure Agreement is doing more hard than good--especially on this board where we have an open-door policy to HST. Guests have always been welcomed to come and learn about HST without having buy anything or having to key in passwords, and the...
  5. N

    Johnston Rep Method

    This being said, I don't see any reason why Xtreme cannot talk about Jreps in his own words. Talking about Jreps is not against the law. Since Xtreme is so familiar with the Jreps approach, then perhaps he could take a stab at answering Dan's questions. No? What irritates me is that these guys...
  6. N

    HST theory

    Well, I'm a scientist and I believe in the principles of HST. So much so that I wrote several articles about HST. Lately, I've been trying other types of training, and the most striking difference that I've noticed is that with HST I measure growth in lbs whereas with other programs I measure...
  7. N

    More sets?

    I think most often, the vexing question is: How much work should we be doing thoughout the cycle? The Faq provides the means for answering that question--the answer will always be on an individual basis. I'm not quite certain what you are saying about progressing the load. I mean, the loads are...
  8. N

    More sets?

    Well, before you go and start adding sets, consider what the HST FAQ has to say: "Increase volume if: You are never sore You are never tired You are not growing Maintain volume if: You are slightly sore most of the time You are tired enough to sleep well, but not so tired you lose...
  9. N


    The easiest way to understand the whole reps versus sets thing is to think in terms of "total reps per bout of exercise." For instance, if you do 3 sets of 5 reps of bench press, then the total reps per bout of bench press is 15 reps. Now, if you were to perform 3 sets of 5 reps of...
  10. N

    EDT vs. HST

    Hmmm ... I thought we were talking about whether Staley's statement that progressive work leads to muscle growth is within the known "science of muscle growth." Maybe I did misunderstand your posts--I'll be certain to read them again  .  But just in case you misunderstood mine, I...
  11. N

    EDT vs. HST

    Judging from what I've read, Staley is all for keeping fatigue minimized, while at the same time improving our mechanical work capacity. The mechanical work concept is already implicit in the HST principles--that is to say, the convention is that the weights go up while we perform "as much...
  12. N

    EDT vs. HST

    I notice that Bryan suggested that "peak tension" and the "duration of that tension" have something to do with hypertropphy.  But the product of those two variables is, in essense, the "mechanical work" performed.  Defined this way, mechanical work does have...
  13. N

    Not using load

    I think JV is demonstrating the reasoning behind using compensatory acceleration. Accelerating the weight upward increases the level of force on the muscles. If the weight is accelerated during a certain time interval (delta time), at the end of the time interval the weight will be moving with a...
  14. N

    RBE, Slow gains and modifying the program.

    Hi Brak, How much volume were you using during these cycles? During my cycles, I've found that if I use mid-maximal volume, my strength doesn't improve much. But, when I use minimal volume, my strength improves during the post-5s. Did you notice this with your cycles? Cheers.
  15. N

    Max-OT versus 5x5

    Lately, there seems to be a lot of interest in using 5x5 routines after HST cycles, and there are a lot of posts on this board about various ways to set up 5x5. On the other hand, Vicious wrote a lot of material about using Max-OT, but didn't mention 5x5 (as far as I know). So, to those of you...
  16. N

    15's 10's 5's in one week

    What have been your observations with this approach? Any results yet?
  17. N

    15's 10's 5's in one week

    Well, the thing that's really got me thinking is the notion of mechanical work. HST has helped us to understand that progressive load is a stimulus for growth. Now, this TTI business is suggesting that time is a factor, too. But mechanical work is the product of the load (a.k.a. force) and time...
  18. N

    15's 10's 5's in one week

    The thing is, time is also a factor is the application of stress. Also interesting is that the research seems to suggest that the stress need not be damaging in order to cause growth. Or, maybe I read it wrong?
  19. N

    15's 10's 5's in one week

    Sure, I know that we're supposed to be talking about gains with undulating periodization. But still, the abstract you posted leads me to wonder if progressing one's volume with weights less than one's 5RMs might be a legitimate technique for keeping gains coming during the cycle. If so, using a...
  20. N

    15's 10's 5's in one week

    Hmmm... We know that progressive weights with a constant volume causes growth. But now I wonder: would progressive volume with a constant, sufficiently heavy weight lead to growth, as well?