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  1. N

    Homemade leg press

    Hi dkm, That's a pretty cool idea!!! I think it includes everything I've thought of myself, also. I'm trying to think of simple ways to incorporate this type of design into my own cage system. :D
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    Homemade leg press

    Hi dark_master, That's pretty cool! I like the L-shaped lever the best. I think I'd attach the lever to the cage at the corner of the L, though. That would minimize vertical motion of the foot support as the lever moves. I think I'd also pivot the foot support, too, so that your feet aren't...
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    Homemade leg press

    Hi dkm1987, Sure, that'd be great!!! I suppose you could either post the drawings here or email them to me. Either way, I'd love to see your latest & greatest designs.
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    Homemade leg press

    Yeah, I know what you mean about the glutes--I'd like that too. I'm brainstorming a leg press device that I can interface with the my existing adjustable bench, where when I press with my legs the device lifts a load upward. Perhaps, a hinged lever of some sort. When I have something...
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    Homemade leg press

    Hi dkm1987, Thanks very much for posting all this info about your homemade leg press. It's very cool!!! I will make my own, eventually. I think your glutes get worked because of the angle between your torso and the direction your legs are pressing when they straighten. If you were sitting...
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    Homemade leverage dip assist machine

    Hey, Sonny, thanks a lot. Hi, dkm1987. Thanks for posting your leg press. It looks impressive, alright, but I'm not entirely certain how you use it. If it's not too much trouble, could you explain? Thanks a bunch.
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    Homemade leverage dip assist machine

    Hi dkm1987, 365 lbs--wow! This is a must-see. But the link isn't working.
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    Homemade leverage dip assist machine

    Oh yes, please do post your Home Made Leg Press.
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    Anyone use Primer/Driver

    I have used the Primer/Driver and still use the Prime+/Drive+. It is worthwhile to note that these powders are high quality products that are designed to work around one's training. Thus, I like to use them strictly before/after my workouts, so as to conserve my supplies. I think they all taste...
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    Questioning HST Methods

    Hi mister_7, For the sake of further clarification, I should mention that you will use your 5RM weights on the last day of your 5s, and that you 'decrease' the weights by 5% for each day preceding your last day of the 5s. Likewise, you use your 10RM weight on the last day of the 10s, and...
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    ThinkMuscle Update

    Hi da1andonlychacha, The Think Muscle Newsletter signup feature is working again. Thank you for the heads-up, and apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you. -Navigator
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    another newbie..

    namemattersnot, At least some of your questions about setting a HST cycle addressed in Newsletter #25. Hope this helps.
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    Where'd you get your username?

    Mine was my CB radio handle (back in the 1980s) when I was driving for a living. Back then, I chose the name from the movie 'Dune.' Remember the Navigators and the Spacing Guild? They used their minds to 'fold' spacetime and move spaceships around the universe, and thus made space travel...
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    Creatine and Muscle Cramps

    Hi kmax, I recall having muscle cramps when I first started taking creatine. One time, I was tucking in my shirt when my entire right pectoral went into a spasm--that really hurt. And, I used to get those infernal calf cramps in my sleep, too. On the other hand, I've always had a problem...
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    New to Weightlifting

    Not a problem. Better to have more opinions than too few, I think... :D
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    New to Weightlifting

    Yep, I like Jake's idea of 4 weeks of 15s to start, followed an SD period. Think that'll be just the thing to get you up and going. Do pay special attention to the need to start with light weights, otherwise you will likely get very sore (especially plausible since you haven't weightlifted...
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    New to Weightlifting

    Calkid, Don't you think that HST can be tailored to suit beginners? For instance, why not use Aaron_F's approach of lighter weights increasing over time? Or, what about creating a higher-rep-based version of HST, such as 15s, 12s, 9s or 8s, for an introductory cycle? When I started lifting...
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    New to Weightlifting

    Hi vomit. Welcome to the HST Forum!!! Yes, I think HST is the best approach to training, even for a beginner. Let's put it this way: when I was a beginner, if I would have found this forum right off, I would have started immediately with HST instead of monkeying around with HIT and German...
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    creatine cycling?

    Interesting... Any other informed opinions on this subject? Cheers.
  20. N

    When to take creatine?

    Hmmmmm ... Okay, I'll definitely keep this in mind for my next SD. Many thanks for the info, Restless.