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  1. N

    When to take creatine?

    Really? What about during SD? I aways thought it was a good idea to go off during SD.
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    CortiSlim for fat reduction

    Yeah, I'm a little suspicious, too. Don't want to dump anymore supp-money down the toilet. I wbeen looking into the Absolved thing, as well--seems to get good testimonials on this forum. I'll probably give it a shot. Thanks much for your help.
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    CortiSlim for fat reduction

    Hi All, Just wondering has anyone tried this new product called CortiSlim? It's supposed to block the overproduction of cortisol due to stress. It sounds like it might potentially be a good fat reduction product, if it really works. If it really does what it say it does, I wonder how it would...
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    How to SD?

    I don’t understand how anyone can find this forum objectionable for lack degeneracy. Isn’t there enough of that everywhere else? Compared to other forums, this one is refreshingly friendly and sincere. To my experience, all of the experienced lifters here express a true desire to help others...
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    How to SD?

    Hi Singleton, I have done three 8-week cycles, and I think the SD thing is the hardest part. No kidding; I even find myself daydreaming about starting other programs just to get out of SDing. But I haven't changed to any other programs because I know that HST really works. Better to put up...
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    1st Rep versus final Rep

    Hi Dianabol, Thanks very much for answering my question. And jkismul, I don't think your question has really hijacked this post; the question of strength is at the root of my original question. Ultimately, I'm trying to figure out what is the most productive strength-building approach. I...
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    1st Rep versus final Rep

    Hi All, It appears to me that there has long been a concensus in the BB world that when doing a set of reps, it is the final, most difficult rep that causes the adaptive response (growth). I have wondered: What about all the reps leading up to the final rep; aren't they beneficial too? Now, I...
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    Misc questions regarding 5s

    Ahhhh, now I get it. Thanks for clearing that one up for me, Bryan! Cheers. :D
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    Misc questions regarding 5s

    Hi All, Would it be beneficial to increment the drop sets? That is, during the last two weeks of 5s, if I don't do negs, can I use my 5RM followed by a set with a weight from the 15s, and then increment the 15s weight over the course of the last 6 WOs? Hope I made this one clear....
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    Gaining vs. Cutting

    Hi All, Often times, I read that in order to gain muscle, one must eat about 500-700 cal above maintenance; and in order to drop fat, one must eat about 500-700 cal less than maintenance. I also hear (read) a lot about how one has to "eat enough to gain muscle." Honestly, though...
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    Nicotine versus Creatine...

    Hi guys, Many thanks for all your supportive words. I am back on the quit, now, and haven't really noticed any nicotine-related difficulties. Fortunately, it takes a bit more than a few smokes to reestablish the old habits. You know, it is true that the behavior of smoking is far more...
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    How much does EZ-Curl Bar Weigh?

    Easiest way to find out is to just weigh the bar on a scale. I used my bathroom scale to find out that one of by barbells weighs about 14 lbs. Only trick is to be sure to 'zero out' the scale first. That is, adjust the scale to read 0 lbs when nothing is on it. I have to do this every time I...
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    Nicotine versus Creatine...

    Hi All, Okay, I admit it: I’m a smoker! I quit the nicotine habit about 6 months ago by smoking non-tobacco herbal smokes. Seemed to work like a charm until about a week ago ... fell off the wagon! Next day, I got back on the wagon, only to fall off again this morning. Fortunately, HST is a...
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    What to do after 5s?

    Many thanks, edziu!!! It's true, though; failure can come on pretty darn fast with short sets.
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    What to do after 5s?

    Hi All, What about continuing to increment the weight for two more weeks and working toward one's 3RM? During the last two weeks of my last cycle, I performed two sets of 3s for each excercise, until I reached my 3RM (on the 6th WO). Seemed to work out well. Any thoughts on this approach?
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    Cutting Gel

    Hi damo, Great question!!! I was also curious about this. Did a search ... seems that most here think 'cutting gels' do not work. On that basis, I'd save my money. Here's one very helpful thread: Does Cutting Gel work??
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    I agree...I should have been more clear. :D
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    Hi Jon Stark, If you decide on striaght magnesium, you might want to try a non-oxide based form of magnesium such as Natural Calm. I have heard that magnesium oxide is so stable that it just passes through the body with little effect. Of course, I don't know if this is absolutely true, but then...
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    I also use Twin Lab's Daily One Caps (with Iron, though), and have taken ZMA at the same time. What worries me is, too much zinc can be a bad thing. The Daily One Caps have 15 mg of zinc and the ZMA has about 30 mg, for a total of about 45 mg of zinc:butbut !!! Anyone know if 45 mg of zinc...
  20. N

    Where are you from?

    Hi All, I am currently in the 5s of my first HST cycle. Seems fitting that my very first post to this Forum ought to be in this topic. I am currently living in Fullerton, California, which is about 25 miles Southeast of downtown Los Angeles, USA. Have been in the this area for about 30...