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  1. C

    Ketogenic diet

    Thx Jessejr, Its been fun trying :) my next nutritional experiment is going to be even more fun. Whenever i get a quite moment, I'll post it in here... all this diet thing really got me hooked - I've never cared much about planning my nutrition, but it is actually fun... and rewarding. Good...
  2. C

    Ketogenic diet

    Sure, a typical diet would be something like: Breakfast Eggs    150 g Whey protein  20 g Lunch: Salmon    140 g Flaxseeds    20g Mozarella    25g Pre W/O: Whey protein  35 g Sunfloweroil    15 g Post W/O: Cassein    35 g Sunfloweroil    15 g Dinner: Chicken breast  200 g Sunfloweroil    10...
  3. C

    Ketogenic diet

    I had salad to most of my dinners, but my diet mainly consisted of eggs, turkey, chicken, beef, cheese etc etc - and I managed to keep quite low on the carbs. My carb-up during friday and saturday never worked out - to be honest, I had a few drinks every friday (sometime saturdays as well)...
  4. C

    Ketogenic diet

    update on the CKD I got on the diet train a little late, so I still have 4 days to go. But so far the results have been magnificent. I have dropped from 14.5 to just below 10% in a bit more than 3 weeks – yes, I am all exited. There has been a 500 kcal deficit everyday except during Friday and...
  5. C

    How FATS work?

    Nice post guys, nutritional aspects of training is always interesting to read ;)
  6. C

    Ketogenic diet

    My plan was to do a 4-5 week CKD, it pretty much depends on my results, i.e. want to get down to 10%. The diet is starting next monday, I haven't had a chance to complete it for today... so it will be in the 10's of a 12-10-8-5-5neg with only one week of the 12's and 10's. I will make weekly...
  7. C

    Ketogenic diet

    My current BF is 14 so i wont call myself lean nor fat but I want to get down to 10%, which should'nt be that difficult with my 97kg's.. hopefully not. Think I am going to buy some sticks to check whether I am in ketosis or not. And aim for going back into ketosis 2 hours after workout... I am...
  8. C

    Where are you from?

    Copenhagen, Denmark
  9. C

    help with my diet

    a cheap way to get flaxseed oil is to buy a small coffeegrinder (around $15) and a bag of flaxseeds... and start grinding... you get a pasty from it, which you disolve in water or add to your protein shake. The ratio between omega 3 and 6 is about 4:1, where Udo's Choice is 2:1. To get the same...
  10. C

    Ketogenic diet

    Jessejr: This is my first diet ever, so yes to it is my first CKD as well. The TKD sounds interesting, so say I am doing a 16 set workout - the recommendation is then to take 40 grams of carbs, some prior workout and the rest during the workout... what about refeeding during the weekend then?
  11. C

    Ketogenic diet

    Hi everyone, I’ve been reading about CKD lately, and i want to give it a try starting next Monday (or Sunday). The original version, as far as i can see, is ketosis for about 5 days, and carbing up on Friday and Saturday for app. 36 hours. The confusing part is that i read about someone carbing...
  12. C

    how big is everyone?

    190cm (6'2") 100kg (220pounds) Bf 14% (app.)
  13. C

    your results with HST...

    Don't worry Anyone, there is a powerlifta in all of us... as long as he's big and a bf around 9% Og kan du så komme tilbage til MOL