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    Volume/frequency question

    read vicious' pimp my hst e-book for a more thorough explanation of why the split is better. to sum it up, it's easier on your cns, it covers summation, and as per one of the basic hst rules, doing 10 sets in two spaced workouts is better than doing 20 sets at once.
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    What can i do to increase arm size ?

    i have an arm problem too. but what bothers me is that my back and chest are way to big for my arms. i'm short (5'8") and have decent guns for my size (16"), but they look small compared to my torso. i did no direct arm work for some time, and i think i personally need the direct work...
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    it depends on what kind of diet you're in. if it's some form or ketogenic diet, you'll want to use it only during your carb load. when you're bulking restrict the use of dextrose to your post and pre workout drinks.
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    there's plenty of practical steroid info in the avant lab forums,, and mesomorphosis. i wouldn't go near any steroids, and i strongly oppose them, but i don't judge or criticize those who decide to use them. so if you've decided to do it, get as much...
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    New pics are up

    looking good, joe. it shouldn't be too hard for you to get under 10%. genetics are a pain in te neck sometimes. your body fat's a little lower than mine, yet i can see my upper abs. i have a bad case of love handles though. how are you measuring your body fat? do you have calipers?
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    Vinegar for Better Glycogen Repletion?

    i've been experimented with the vinegar for the last couple of weeks, and after taking a couple tablespoons with water before my post workout carbs/protein (malto + whey) drink i have notice that muscles do look fuller. workouts have been pretty easy too, though i don't know if that has anytihng...
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    i have a stupid questin about this. when pulsing, do i let the weight down a few inches, and force it back up, and then do the same again or do i let it down a few inches, force it back up, do a full rep and then let it down a few inches etc?
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    gaining muscle while losing fat

    great. thanks.
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    gaining muscle while losing fat

    it's i'm not interesting in the size of the gains as much as i am in the fact that muscle was gained and fat was lost at the same time. i've seen plenty of anecdotal reports, especially here on this board, about this, but i had not found any studies yet to confirm it. if...
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    gaining muscle while losing fat

    thanks. interesting how the casein hydrolysate brought better results than whey. i didn't expect that. though i remember reading someone praising casein somewhere.
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    gaining muscle while losing fat

    can anyone point me to a specific study showing (or at least hinting) at this. i'm new to the whole pubmed thing, so even though i searched, i couldn't find a study to support this claim.
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    Pain in back of knee when doing leg curls.  Should

    where exactly is the pain, and what kind of equipment are you using? do you feel any pain while doing any other leg exercises?
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    powdered milk

    because it's concentrated. i'd have to drink a gallon of regular milk to get what i get in a few spoons.
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    powdered milk

    what worries me about milk is that i read in some other thread here that its carbs preferrably replenishes liver glycogen, which may not be ideal, and milk has plenty of carbs along with protein.
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    Diet Analyzation

    the calories in vs. calories out formula works perfectly for weight loss. if you're talking about [I]fat[\I] loss, i think there are others factors at work. imho a calorie is not a calorie after it enters your body. there's plenty of research about nutrient partioning, and the effects of...
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    Diet Analyzation

    black beans are great. i never liked pork, so i'm not to big on feijoada, but caipinha... cashew juice's yummy. someone should start exporting it. it's better than acerola, which seems to have become sorta popular.
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    Reactions To Muscle

    firm, i think if you lick his butt, you'll both look bad.
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    Diet Analyzation

    hm, cashews... what about peanuts, old and grey? they're cheaper. i live in brazil, but guess what, cashews (we call it caju) are kinda expensive here. an interesting tidbit about caju is that we make juice out of the fruit, and it's delicious. but from what i heard from friends in america and...
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    i'm taking 30g malto with 30g protein pre workout, and 100g malto with 30g protein post workout, as per vicious' advice on the customizing hst thread. you use it to replenish muscle glycogen as quickly as possible in the window you get after execising. malto pre-workout is a good way to get...
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    Guide to lean bulking

    i'm neither big nor lean, but i know that i can't gain squat without gaining some fat. sad but true. of course i'm not 18 anymore, so that makes a big difference too.