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    powdered milk

    i try to vary my protein intake to make it more pleasurable. you know, since i have to eat a LOT, it may as well be stuff i like, at least some of it. but i've had so much tuna it's getting really hard to keep going. besides, as per other threads here, and stuff i've read elsewhere, canned tuna...
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    Diet Analyzation

    why don't you focus on either gaining or cutting? you can achieve better results that way. of course, if you're somewhat happy with your physique right now, you may not care if it takes you longer to get where you want, as long as you don't slide back.
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    are you making fun of me because i'm a newbie? :confused:
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    powdered milk

    any reasons why i shouldn't incorporate it in my diet as an important protein source? i'm already using it, but i'm not sure if it's healthy to take in a lot of it everyday. it's much easier than eggs (hate those), and i'm sick of tuna already.
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    hm, is there any way i can identify low grade malto besides trusting name brands? also, are there any ill effects caused by unpure malto?
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    is there such a thing as bad quality malto? i mean, am i safe purchasing the cheapest malto i can find? i'm guessing that it's such an easy thing to manufacture that i can't go wrong with any brand.
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    Lateral Deltoid exercises

    with standing lateral raises, you can get a little more out of your increments by alternating between straight and bent arms. for example, you do 10lbs with straight arms, then you increase the weight next workout, but do the set with bent arms. then on the subsequent workout, you use the same...
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    Cutting cycle

    if time is an issue, you could do HIIT. if you opt for regular cardio, do it at a comfortable steady pace. another option would be to do a 6x a week routine, splitting your volume over more workouts. bryan suggested that in the faq, as a means to drop body fat fast. you just have to keep...
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    Is my routine ok?

    from the faq: you should increase the weight every day. or every two days, if you want bigger increments.
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    deadlift + sldl

    i didn't mean that i'd use sldl as a warmup for the deadlift, but given the low weights i'm using, as per bryan's suggestion in one of the faqs, it could serve as a warmup. this faq says that if you do sldl with straight legs, focusing on the stretch on the hamstrings, you won't be able to use...
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    deadlift + sldl

    if i do sldl (with straight legs, as advised by bryan) with somewhat low weights, focusing on hamstrings, can i deadlift in the same workout? can i consider the sldl sets a warmup for the deadlift? bear in mind that i don't squat. i chose the leg press as my main quad developer because i can't...
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    what can I do for my legs?

    i actually have a remotely similar problem. i tend to accumulate fat more in my lower than in my upper body. i'm a bit over 13% bodyfat right now, but my taking a caliper to my abs reveals a 20mm measurement. chest measurement is 8mm, but leg is 15mm (!!!). that's one of the reasons i have...
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    what can I do for my legs?

    i bet even tom platz had to work his @$$ off to get legs that big, so if you have quads like that without training, you're definitely special. perhaps you should get into professional bodybuilding? :)
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    newbie hst routine and symmetry

    so if i wanted to do both preacher and incline curls, i'd have to do 1 set for each, since i'm doing 2 sets for preacher curls. is the calves set you're doing on the leg press the loaded stretch thing that i've been reading everywhere on this board? and do you do it from the beginning or do you...
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    newbie hst routine and symmetry

    i've been working out for 6 years using every routine ever invented by bodybuilders. i was on hit for a couple of years when i discovered hst. i've been working out hst style for a while (a couple of years, maybe, i'm not sure), and though i've seen good gains, i can't really make a scientific...