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  1. S

    My results, on to cutting...Help me do this right

    I start my negs this week. So far this cycle has been pretty good. So far I have put an inch on my chest, 3/4" on my biceps and even 1/4" on my forearms. Now I don't know what my bf is but I think I have at least 25 lbs of fat to drop. Now I worked so hard to get this new muscle and I...
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    I didn't say nothing will do it. Injecting test and GH will raise the levels in my body for sure. The mind thing makes no sense at all. If it did all I would have to do is sit on my @$$ and think about my muscles growing and I will be huge! The fact is that if you train frequently enough...
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    DKM, don't you see? The pros are not on AAS. We were wrong. They are all doing xreps. I like how he is talking about getting hormones to "flow". Like the average guy has this huge hidden amount of test in his sack and this "unlocks" it. Dude if HST is such bull, why are...
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    I don't know my BF. I know it is higher then yours thought (maybe 20%). I have another couple weeks of bulking and then I am long overdue for some cutting. I will let you know what happens when I drop some fat!
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    Yeah this guy is a troll. If someone doesn't like HST thats fine...don't do it then. Why come here and rip it? I like how he said the "burn" is what makes the muscle grow! :D
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    Thanks! Nice to know I am not alone. Guess I will see what happens when I cut and go from there.
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    I have noticed something that concerns me a bit. My left nipple gets a bit puffy at times usually when I am just laying around doing nothing. My right does it a very tiny bit too. After I lift and I am pumped my chest looks good and I dont notice it. Not sure if this is a bit of gynecomastia? I...
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    HST and Fat loss

    You could start weightlifting using HST principals. But to loose weight you need to do cardio too. The lifting wont be enough. If you have alot of weight to loose the HST will prevent you from loosing muscle while you are dieting. I would do something like 3x per week bench dips chins squats...
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    Joint pain during heavy 5's

    actually its right on the tip
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    Joint pain during heavy 5's

    Wanted to see if you guys had any tips to help me out. Now that I am in the heavy 5's I have noticed my right knee feels sore when I squat. I have no pain or soreness after I workout, just during the actual rep. Same thing with my right elbow when I bench and dip. Can I take anything to help this?
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    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!
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    Question about Cutting

    I was kinda thinking the same thing... wouldn't it make sense to do something like 2 weeks of 5's followed by 2 week negs and repeat without sd till you finish cutting?
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    AAS On Real Sports I wanted to pass this along to everyone. PLEASE don't turn this into a pro or anti steroid thread, I just thought soome of you might be interested in it!
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    Arms lagging

    I have noticed my arms seem to be lagging a bit, mostly my forearms but biceps too. I guess I should add forearm wrist curls. 2 sets HST style? I am thinking of adding another curl type excersise to target the biceps and maybe doing some drop sets at the end of each workout, just to get caught...
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    Where to go from here(long)?

    Have you had any size gains in the last year? At 52 years old and with 20 years lifting, I am thinking maybe you have reached your genetic limit.
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    Help with setting up cycle #2

    Ok guys. I am recovered from the flu and the 10 day SD that the flu forced. I did loose a couple lbs from being sick and I have been eating alot to make up for it. I am ready to start my 2nd cycle and need some help setting it up. Today I went to the gym and figured my 10 rep maxes. I plan on...
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    Crap I am really sick...What to do?

    Guys, today was supposed to be the last day of my 5's and next week I am due to start negs. This cycle has been 2 week microcycles of 15, 10, 8 and all but the last day of 5's. I added the 8's because I wanted to try to SD over xmas. Last night I got the flu real bad, throwing up and everything...
  18. S

    How long does it REALLY take to get big?

    The calculator gave me a good idea. Just under 18" biceps with a 49" chest on a 6'2 frame is what it says would be my max without AAS. This would be at 8% body fat. Probably wouldn't make the cover of Flex but should look like a monster on most any beach! Thats give me a nice...
  19. S

    Quick question on the negs

    I will finish my 2nd week of 5s on fri. So mon should start the negs. I really don't have a spotter so they will be real tough to do alone. What are my other options? Another 2 weeks of 5s? Dropsets or something else?
  20. S

    How long does it REALLY take to get big?

    Yeah I agree that the muscle mags and even guys like Arnie and the WWE boys have given us an unrealistic ideal of the body. What makes it worse is when guys claim to be "100% natural" when they are on AAS. Then the real natural guys look tiny by comparison.