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  1. F

    Losing Too Fast??

    Final week weight: 86.1. (-1.7) kg Raising the calories to 2700 (+300) as i AM loosing too fast! Measures: Bis: 32 relaxed (0) / 36 (-1) flex Waist 90 (-3) Chest: 105 (+2) / 96 (0) Leg 60 (0) Performance keeps rising so i guess o shouldnt worry. Chest is bigger??? A nice surprise! Measured...
  2. F

    Losing Too Fast??

    Hummmmm sorry my bad ;) You are right!
  3. F

    Losing Too Fast??

    That should be around 235 protein. To up the fat, carbs must go. I will consider and post here the final numbers.
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    Losing Too Fast??

    @Totentanz proteíns intake is 225. Its more than 1g for kg. Wont that be enough? Here are the values of the macros: P225 C290 F59 Total 2620 That allready as an increased cals from the beggining as it seems i am loosing a bit too fast.
  5. F

    Fred´s Log

    24.4.2015 Cutting Squat 1x4+1 107.5kg (+7.5kgs) - Another rise in weight. BP 1x5 82.5kgs (+2.5kgs) RPE 10! Dips 1x5 - BW+20 kg RPE 9 Overhead Press 1x5 50kg RPE 10 Calf raises 2x10 Buterrflies: 1x8 (Was really tired and cut this in half) Did the training first thing in the morning, i was...
  6. F

    Losing Too Fast??

    Mick, tomorrow is the seventh day since i begun my diet, will play accordingly. But i realy believe i lost 1kg allready, as today the weight was again 86.4kgs. I believe your math is very solid and that is what i will. Hopefully not much muscle have gone away yet.
  7. F

    Losing Too Fast??

    Hi Mick! 1 my goal would be around 0.5 to 1lbs, the slower the better. 2 i would win around 1lbs a week but i would eat more likely around 3400 kcal. At 3000kcal i stalled.
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    Fred´s Log

    21.4.2015 Cutting Deadlift 1x5 (3+2) 130kgs form broke on the last rep still improved. Pendlay Row 1x5 (3+2) 80kgs, Bad form, bar touched chest on the first 2 reps only) no improvments here :( Chins 1x4+1 BW+20kgs Barbell Curls 1x8 Shrugs 2x8 Abs Ab wheel 1x10 + Weighted crunches 1x12 Could...
  9. F

    Losing Too Fast??

    @mickc1965 , Carb intake is the same as bulking, i am with less proteíns and less fat but carbs remained the same, that is why i found this strange. Performance in strenght seems unaffected so far. Endurance is lowering as expected. Should i wait a few more days??
  10. F

    Losing Too Fast??

    Thanks for the help Mick! I read your training log frequently ;) There are many diferentes in ouro trainings. I have around half your volume and no cardio that should place lower in the calories intake no? I will check again after the seventh day and will Adjust as you say. Regarding carbs...
  11. F

    Losing Too Fast??

    Started a cut monday, 19.4.2015 , 4 days ago, weight showed 87.8kgs, waist measured at 93cm. Today, 23.4.2015 weight showed 86.4kgs. Waist measured at 91cm. Weighted with same clothes, same time. Bulking with 3300kcals. Started the cut with 2495 190 pounds x 13 2470 Allways had dificult...
  12. F

    Fred´s Log

    Will try it today @Jester. Thanks
  13. F

    Fred´s Log

    The second set of squats and deads will it be at the same weight? I am doing a cut so a stall is to be expected and probably fast, should i add that secand set? or should i wait until my calories are back up? I find it dificult to sustain the weights for a second set and would go to failure in...
  14. F

    Fred´s Log

    Routine A Cutting Squat 1x5 105kg - RPE 9 - Decided to add 5kg as previous session i felt i had another rep in the bank. (PR!) BP 1x4 82.5kgs RPE 10 - Failed last rep even after 30seconds rest Dips 1x5 - BW+20 kg RPE 9.5 Overhead Press 3+2 reps 50kg form improved, no leg drive. RPE 10 Calf...
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    Fred´s Log

    Will do thanks! Done! Any feedback on volume @Jester?
  16. F

    Further Observations On Bulking And Cutting...

    Will do! Thanks!
  17. F

    Further Observations On Bulking And Cutting...

    I did not say i had trouble maintaining a cut. in fact cutting is the easiest thing for me. Maintaing size/lean mass during it is the struggle really. You do realise that if glicogen is low, the body converts protein and fat to it? That is why i said it still replenishes it. And yes a load of...
  18. F

    Further Observations On Bulking And Cutting...

    I will check, but i still maintain what i said, whey protein will give a insuline spike and if you postpone your carbs to an hour after workout i believe it will still be more efective, and still replenish. ketosis in the morning??? Ketosis takes days man. Cant be that!! It is just strange to...
  19. F

    Further Observations On Bulking And Cutting...

    I did google it, it makes very little sense to me. You want to burn fat so you lower carbs. So far so good, more kcals to protein and fat. Great! But wont 30 to 50g a day be way low? But, after a workout you are eating your daily carbs? Wont that replenish glicogen and not allow body to burn...
  20. F

    Further Observations On Bulking And Cutting...

    Hummm. I believe a couple people will say its possible. Especially if you have enough fat. At 12% or less though... I cant see it happen.. It would depend on the person, genetics, suplements (and juice ;) ). Also as stated by many, it is simple faster and mentaly easier to bulk and cut by...