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  1. F

    Fred´s Log

    Yes could happen. I try to put it mid foot, i also have 184cm height with long legs, so my problem is squating the weight VS SLDL form (ends up in one of the two, most of time SLDL). I have been trying to correct this for a while but cant still manage it at that weight but is improving every...
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    Fred´s Log

    21.4.2015 Cutting Deadlift 1x5 (2+2+1) 130kgs form broke after 4 reps Pendlay Row 1x5 (3+2) 80kgs, Bad form, bar touched chest on the first 2 reps only) Chins 1x5 BW+17.5kgs Good form, went near failure Barbell Curls 1x8 Shrugs 2x8 Abs Ab wheel 1x10 + Weighted crunches 1x12 (Did it 20...
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    Fred´s Log

    20.4.2015 Cutting Routine A Squat 1x5 100kg - Good form BP 1x5 80kgs - Good form, 1 rep in the tank Dips 1x5 - BW+17.5 kg Good form near failure Overhead Press 3+2 reps 50kg Calf raises 2x8 Buterrflies: 2x8 Everything went well Form improved on the squats, and bench. Bench did not go to...
  4. F

    Fred´s Log

    This is my first training log. I will post the sessions and keep them actual as much as possible. Any critic/help will be very welcome as i am new to HST. I am starting to Cut back to 10% BF (Abs visible) Currently 18-20% BF. BW: 87.8 Waist: 93cm Calories: starting with 2500 Kcal, 1 cheat...
  5. F

    Reducing the Intensity of squats

    Hi!! I did SL a while ago. It has no lighter day in its novice routine. Search the stronglifts site for an intermediate routine, but remember, the faster linear progress in strenght is achieved with the beginer routine, once you stall, deload and rebuild (3 times if needed), reduce to 5x3,3x3...
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    Training Imbalances Vs. Shoulder Tension

    Jus to add to @Jester coment, Carefull doing shrugs, if your shoulders are rounding in, could make it worst. Do them from behind mabe?? (it helps postur as well if done correctly).
  7. F

    Training Imbalances Vs. Shoulder Tension

    Hi! Not as part of my experience in training, BUT as part of my professional experience, I am a post-graduated Nurse in Sports Rehab. First of hall you will be adding stress/tension to that area, wich can be good or bad. There are a few things to consider first. Here goes: How is your...
  8. F

    Possible Modifications To The Standard Cycle...

    I ma very new to HST, but i also modified it to 12,8,5. I got gains, especially in arms and vabck from the higher reps. Weight went up, belly down 1cm, same nutrition as in 5x5 so yeah pretty amazing.... I came from 5x5 and also just looooved the higher reps (monstruous pumps, yeah yeah they...
  9. F

    First Hst Cycle - A Few Questions

    Thanks for the reply. I do believe that a 6 day split would be better. Perhaps in a push/pull fashion? How does this look: A Squat BP Dips Overhead Press Skull Crushers* Calf raises* B Deadlift Pendlay Row Chins RDL * Barbell Curls* Shrugs* Still on continuing the 5s for more than 2 weeks...
  10. F

    First Hst Cycle - A Few Questions

    I! I have been lurking around this forum for a while now. I am done with Stronglifts, got an overtraining from it, the program gets quite nasty once the weights go up. Now i am starting HST wich seems much friendly on the body. I have a few questions thought. I will start in a...