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    Is Hst Appropriate For Me?

    Previously I was doing three days per week with a full body routine twice on each workout day. At the 5's it was two heavy sets plus metabolic work. I had good results, but after reading UD2.0 I started wondering if the met work could actually be hampering my gains.
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    Is Hst Appropriate For Me?

    Thanks for the response, I didn't see that discussion. Please link to it if you find it. I am guessing that this discussion happened sometime after the release of the HST Ebook? So does this mean that we no longer need to bother with metabolic work? Also, do the 20 reps need to happen in the...
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    Is Hst Appropriate For Me?

    (Old thread, but it seems the most relevant) Would increased frequency be suitable replacement for metabolic work? Bryan says that 30 reps per body part is ideal. During the 5's, if one could manage two sets per exercise during the workout, and repeat the full workout two more times during the...
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    Dialing up HST for a cut

    OK. So I'll just hit 100% of my 5rm each workout then. I'll go lower only if I burn out. Thanks for the help!
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    Dialing up HST for a cut

    No. I don't SD at all during a cut. I'm starting the cycle over, going back to 75% of my 5rm every 1.5 weeks.
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    Dialing up HST for a cut

    Any reason not to hit my 5 rm every workout on a cut? I'm kind of freaking out that I could be losing strength and not knowing it. I've already shortened my cycly so that it is only 1.5 weeks. But since RBE isn't an issue during a cut, I wonder why I'm bothering with the lower weights of the 5's...
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    Training Imbalances Vs. Shoulder Tension

    I've never been the type to hold tension, until the last month or so, and now I just can't get my traps to relax. I think this may be due to a training imbalance. I'm going to start adding shrugs in to my routine, as I am not currently doing anything to specifically target them. Has anyone...
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    eating during the 15's

    Good to know. Thanks for the reply :)
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    eating during the 15's

    I read that the 15's are not for hypertrophy, but for preparing the muscles and joints for the heavy weights that come later. I assume that I should not be eating surplus during the 15's, or I'll just gain fat. Is this correct?
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    Using calipers differently (I just want a 6 pack)

    The are all these formulas and methods about how to use calipers to get the most accurate BF%. The thing is, I don't really care about my BF%, I just want a 6 pack. It seems like it would make more sense to have a reliable measurement goal on the calipers themselves. Obviously, if I can pinch...
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    weight watchers points

    I have a colleague at work who is doing Weight Watchers. She is not interested enough in the science to explain why it works, but she told me that fruits and vegetables are 0 points. I can easily easily eat my maintenance in just fruits and veggies. The weight watchers system seems to go...
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    1 five-rep max vs. 5 one-rep maxes

    @Lol, also, when you say "keep the 5s going", do you mean to continue in incrementing my 5rm, or go back to 70%, and do another two week micro cycle?
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    1 five-rep max vs. 5 one-rep maxes

    When keeping the 5's going, should I do negatives at the end of each 5 cycle, or should I wait until my progress stalls, and just do negatives before I SD?
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    1 five-rep max vs. 5 one-rep maxes

    Yea, I'm not a fan of elitism. CF guys are better at doing CF. CF won't make you a better marathoner, power lifter, or body builder. You're always going to find folks who think their sport is the better than someone elses. Some people just need to feel superior. But I digress... Any thoughts...
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    1 five-rep max vs. 5 one-rep maxes

    I'll have to agree with Tortentanz that Crossfit can provide a high risk of injury, especially with bad trainers. And the certification is not as stringent as it should be. I was lucky to have good trainers who did a good job of monitoring us, and cutting out movements for those who weren't...
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    Carbohydrate cycling

    Atkins claims that you will lose fat if you cut carbs, even if you are in a calorie surplus. Has anyone ever tried this while bulking? It's not that hard to get the fat if I eat nuts, and avocados all day long.
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    1 five-rep max vs. 5 one-rep maxes

    @Lol I'm thinking about adding metabolic work to achieve the volume that I feel my body needs. Is it ok to go to failure every day on the metabolic work, since I'll be using lighter weight? Obviously I'll still only go to failure about every two weeks on the main lifts.
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    1 five-rep max vs. 5 one-rep maxes

    CF was awesome. I gained 20 pounds in 6 months, with minimal fat gain. Of course, that was after about two years of SD, so muscle memory deserves more of the credit than CF does. What I loved about it was the competitive atmosphere, and the mix if exercises. On most days I would fall behind...
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    1 five-rep max vs. 5 one-rep maxes

    Solid. Can't wait to get sore again! :) I did crossfit for about a year, and I used to love the way I felt after. Can't afford crossfit anymore, nor do I have the time.
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    Is this crazy?

    Thanks for the replies. What is recomp?